> On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 4:51 PM, Chawla,Sumit <sumitkcha...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>>  I have been trying to this simple operation.  I want to land all
>>>> values with one key in same partition, and not have any different key in
>>>> the same partition.  Is this possible?   I am getting b and c always
>>>> getting mixed up in the same partition.
I think you could do something approsimately like:

     val keys = rdd.map(_.getKey).distinct.zipWithIndex
     val numKey = keys.map(_._2).count
     rdd.map(r => (r.getKey, r)).join(keys).partitionBy(new Partitioner()
{def numPartitions=numKeys;def getPartition(key: Any) =

i.e., key by a unique number, count that, and repartition by key to the
exact count.  This presumes, of course, that the number of keys is <MAXINT.

Also, I haven't tested this code, so don't take it as anything more than an
approximate idea, please :-)

                     -Nathan Kronenfeld

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