
> Yes, there's just one set, and it's really for the binary distribution.

See [1] it’s a good idea to have a different LICENSE and NOTICE for source and 
binary (and lots of other projects do this).

> - License information is listed in NOTICE when it should be in LICENSE
> While I think I got this right a long time ago, a) things can change, and b) 
> might have missed something. What in particular? (can reply on the PR)

The CDDL, CPL, MPL  license lists and ALv2 headers at bottom.

> - Dependancies are listed rather than what is actually bundled
> Same as above I think; this is needed for the binary release.

I would find it surprising that (for instance) JUnit is bundled in the binary 
release but I’ve not looked so it could be correct.

> I also noticed some compiled code in the source release which probably 
> shouldn’t be there. [2]
>         spark-2.3.1/core/src/test/resources/TestUDTF.jar
>         spark-2.3.1/sql/hive/src/test/resources/SPARK-21101-1.0.jar
>         spark-2.3.1/sql/hive/src/test/resources/TestUDTF.jar
>         spark-2.3.1/sql/hive/src/test/resources/hive-contrib-0.13.1.jar
>         spark-2.3.1/sql/hive/src/test/resources/hive-hcatalog-core-0.13.1.jar
>         spark-2.3.1/sql/hive/src/test/resources/data/files/TestSerDe.jar
> spark-2.3.1/sql/hive/src/test/resources/regression-test-SPARK-8489/test-2.10.jar
> spark-2.3.1/sql/hive/src/test/resources/regression-test-SPARK-8489/test-2.11.jar
>         spark-2.3.1/sql/hive-thriftserver/src/test/resources/TestUDTF.jar
> These should be in the source release. They're not project code per se but 
> files that test JAR handling.

IMO they shouldn’t as there no exception for test code vs project code. If your 
release contains compiled code then it fails the OSI definition of open source 
for starters [2]. It also make it rather hard to correctly review a release. 
This has come up a few times on various lists and every time I seen the same 
answer i.e it’s not allowed. I’d suggest you ask on legal discuss for advice re 


1. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#binary
2. https://opensource.org/osd

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