hey everyone!

just for visibility, after some lengthy conversations w/some PMC members
(mostly sean and josh) about the location of the jenkins job builder
temples being in a private, databricks repo, we've decided to move them in
to the main apache spark repo.


On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 10:22 PM Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some responses inline -- this discussion can do to dev@ though.
> dev@ added.

> On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 3:28 PM shane knapp <skn...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> > JBB templates in spark repo:
> > * code path is currently undecided, maybe build/?  i honestly don't have
> any strong opinions
> How about a subfolder of dev/? that's where many items like the
> release scripts and build style checkers live.
> works for me.

> > * this stuff will only in the master branch
> Sure, it'll get versioned with branches anyway, but only the master
> branch will matter.
> > * the current JJB templates include release and packaging jobs, which
> aren't run via jenkins anymore.  this means we can remove the job builder
> configs for these two, as well as the encrypted secrets.
> Sure, if it's not used, remove it. I suppose the concerns below lessen
> if none of the jobs in question here create release artifacts.
> exactly.

> > * the JJB templates are able to be run by anyone w/jenkins login access
> without the need to commit changes to the repo.  this means there's a
> non-zero potential for bad actors to change the build configs.  since we
> will only be managing test and compile jobs through this, the chances for
> Real Bad Stuff[tm] is minimized.  i will also have a local server, not on
> the jenkins network, run a nightly cron job that grabs the latest configs
> from github and syncs them to jenkins.
> You mean anyone with access to amplab Jenkins? I think this is an
> acceptable risk, especially as it's never been an issue to date. The
> worst case is deleting or sabotaging CI jobs, right? not great, but,
> nobody would be able to commit code or anything. That's the worst
> case, right?
> re: access to jenkins -- correct.
re: worst case, deleting a job -- correct (but a cron sync of the jobs from
the tip of master will repair and damage done by nefarious folks).
re: committing code -- correct

> This might be a good time to ask whether we want to use a different CI
> system. I don't see a need to. I don't see any problem that's surfaced
> by publishing the configs as part of the project. If riselab is OK
> continuing to subsidize the build infra, and it continues to work for
> the project, it seems fine. As long as the PMC is meaningfully in
> control of it, I can't see any issue.

i have confirmation from RISELab's PI (ion stoica) that we are committed to
continuing to host the apache spark build system here.

if that situation changes (which i cannot foresee), it will of course be
brought up w/the community and the PMC immediately.  i would also like some
heads up from the PMC if the situation changes on their end.  ;)

btw, work will not begin on this until next week.  once i get a jira and PR
opened, i'll respond to this thread w/those links.

Shane Knapp
UC Berkeley EECS Research / RISELab Staff Technical Lead

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