Hi there,

I have a system with 80 vcores and a relatively light spark streaming
workload. Overcomming the vcore resource (i.e. > 80) in the config (see (a)
below) seems to help to improve the average spark batch time (see (b)

Is there any best practice guideline on resource overcommit with cpu /
vcores, such as yarn config options, candidate cases ideal for
overcommiting vcores etc.?

the slide below (from 2016 though) seems to address the memory overcommit
topic and hint a "future" topic on cpu overcommit:

Would like to know if this is a reasonable config practice and why this is
not achievable without overcommit. Any help/hint would be very much



(a) yarn-site.xml


I have a system with 80 vcores and a relatively light spark streaming
workload. overcomming the vocore resource (here 100) seems to help the
average spark batch time. need more understanding on this practice.
Skylake (1 x 900K msg/sec) total batch# (avg) avg batch time in ms (avg) avg
user cpu (%) nw read (mb/sec)
70vocres 178.20 8154.69 n/a n/a
80vocres 177.40 7865.44 27.85 222.31
100vcores 177.00 7,209.37 30.02 220.86

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