Thanks for letting me know! I will look into it and ask CRAN admin for help.

Hyukjin Kwon wrote
> Looks it's happening again. Liang-Chi, do you mind if I ask it again?
> FYI, R 3.4 is officially deprecated as of
> We could upgrade R version to 3.4.x in Jenkins, which deals with the
> malformed(?) responses after 3.0 release.
> Then, we could get rid of this problem..!
> 2018년 11월 12일 (월) 오후 1:47, Hyukjin Kwon <

> gurwls223@

> >님이 작성:
>> I made a PR to officially drop R prior to version 3.4 (
>> The tests will probably fail for now since it produces warnings for using
>> R 3.1.x.
>> 2018년 11월 11일 (일) 오전 3:00, Felix Cheung <

> felixcheung_m@

> >님이 작성:
>>> It’s a great point about min R version. From what I see, mostly because
>>> of fixes and packages support, most users of R are fairly up to date? So
>>> perhaps 3.4 as min version is reasonable esp. for Spark 3.
>>> Are we getting traction with CRAN sysadmin? It seems like this has been
>>> broken a few times.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Liang-Chi Hsieh <

> viirya@

> >
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, November 10, 2018 2:32 AM
>>> *To:* 

> dev@.apache

>>> *Subject:* Re: [discuss] SparkR CRAN feasibility check server problem
>>> Yeah, thanks Hyukjin Kwon for bringing this up for discussion.
>>> I don't know how higher versions of R are widely used across R
>>> community.
>>> If
>>> R version 3.1.x was not very commonly used, I think we can discuss to
>>> upgrade minimum R version in next Spark version.
>>> If we ended up with not upgrading, we can discuss with CRAN sysadmin to
>>> fix
>>> it by the service side automatically that prevents malformed R packages
>>> info. So we don't need to fix it manually every time.
>>> Hyukjin Kwon wrote
>>> >> Can upgrading R able to fix the issue. Is this perhaps not
>>> necessarily
>>> > malform but some new format for new versions perhaps?
>>> > That's my guess. I am not totally sure about it tho.
>>> >
>>> >> Anyway we should consider upgrading R version if that fixes the
>>> problem.
>>> > Yea, we should. If we should, it should be more them R 3.4. Maybe it's
>>> > good
>>> > time to start to talk about minimum R version. 3.1.x is too old. It's
>>> > released 4.5 years ago.
>>> > R 3.4.0 is released 1.5 years ago. Considering the timing for Spark
>>> 3.0,
>>> > deprecating lower versions, bumping up R to 3.4 might be reasonable
>>> > option.
>>> >
>>> > Adding Shane as well.
>>> >
>>> > If we ended up with not upgrading it, I will forward this email to
>>> CRAN
>>> > sysadmin to discuss further anyway.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 2018년 11월 2일 (금) 오후 12:51, Felix Cheung <
>>> > felixcheung@
>>> > >님이 작성:
>>> >
>>> >> Thanks for being this up and much appreciate with keeping on top of
>>> this
>>> >> at all times.
>>> >>
>>> >> Can upgrading R able to fix the issue. Is this perhaps not
>>> necessarily
>>> >> malform but some new format for new versions perhaps? Anyway we
>>> should
>>> >> consider upgrading R version if that fixes the problem.
>>> >>
>>> >> As an option we could also disable the repo check in Jenkins but I
>>> can
>>> >> see
>>> >> that could also be problematic.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 7:35 PM Hyukjin Kwon <
>>> > gurwls223@
>>> > > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hi all,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I want to raise the CRAN failure issue because it started to block
>>> Spark
>>> >>> PRs time to time. Since the number
>>> >>> of PRs grows hugely in Spark community, this is critical to not
>>> block
>>> >>> other PRs.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> There has been a problem at CRAN (See
>>> >>> for analysis).
>>> >>> To cut it short, the root cause is malformed package info from
>>> >>>
>>> >>> from server side, and this had to be fixed by requesting it to CRAN
>>> >>> sysaadmin's help.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> <- newly open. I
>>> am
>>> >>> pretty sure it's the same issue
>>> >>> <- reopen/resolved
>>> 2
>>> >>> times
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> This happened 5 times for roughly about 10 months, causing blocking
>>> >>> almost all PRs in Apache Spark.
>>> >>> Historically, it blocked whole PRs for few days once, and whole
>>> Spark
>>> >>> community had to stop working.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I assume this has been not a super big big issue so far for other
>>> >>> projects or other people because apparently
>>> >>> higher version of R has some logics to handle this malformed
>>> documents
>>> >>> (at least I verified R 3.4.0 works fine).
>>> >>>
>>> >>> For our side, Jenkins has low R version (R 3.1.1 if that's not
>>> updated
>>> >>> from what I have seen before),
>>> >>> which is unable to parse the malformed server's response.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> So, I want to talk about how we are going to handle this. Possible
>>> >>> solutions are:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 1. We should start a talk with CRAN sysadmin to permanently prevent
>>> this
>>> >>> issue
>>> >>> 2. We upgrade R to 3.4.0 in Jenkins (however we will not be able to
>>> test
>>> >>> low R versions)
>>> >>> 3. ...
>>> >>>
>>> >>> If if we fine, I would like to suggest to forward this email to CRAN
>>> >>> sysadmin to discuss further about this.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Adding Liang-Chi Felix and Shivaram who I already talked about this
>>> few
>>> >>> times before.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks all.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> --
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