Yea, I think we can automate this process via, for instance,

+1 for such sort of automatic categorizing and matching metadata between
JIRA and github

Adding Josh and Sean as well.

On Thu, 13 Jun 2019, 13:17 Dongjoon Hyun, <> wrote:

> Hi, All.
> Since we use both Apache JIRA and GitHub actively for Apache Spark
> contributions, we have lots of JIRAs and PRs consequently. One specific
> thing I've been longing to see is `Jira Issue Type` in GitHub.
> How about exposing JIRA issue types at GitHub PRs as GitHub `Labels`?
> There are two main benefits:
> 1. It helps the communication between the contributors and reviewers with
> more information.
>     (In some cases, some people only visit GitHub to see the PR and
> commits)
> 2. `Labels` is searchable. We don't need to visit Apache Jira to search
> PRs to see a specific type.
>     (For example, the reviewers can see and review 'BUG' PRs first by
> using `is:open is:pr label:BUG`.)
> Of course, this can be done automatically without human intervention.
> Since we already have GitHub Jenkins job to access JIRA/GitHub, that job
> can add the labels from the beginning. If needed, I can volunteer to update
> the script.
> To show the demo, I labeled several PRs manually. You can see the result
> right now in Apache Spark PR page.
>   -
> If you're surprised due to those manual activities, I want to apologize
> for that. I hope we can take advantage of the existing GitHub features to
> serve Apache Spark community in a way better than yesterday.
> How do you think about this specific suggestion?
> Bests,
> Dongjoon
> PS. I saw that `Request Review` and `Assign` features are already used for
> some purposes, but these feature are out of the scope in this email.

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