Sorry these notes were delayed. Here’s what we talked about in the last
DSv2 sync.


Ryan Blue
John Zhuge
Burak Yavuz
Gengliang Wang
Terry Kim
Wenchen Fan
Xin Ren
Srabasti Banerjee
Priyanka Gomatam


   - Follow up on renaming append to insert in v2 API
   - Changes to CatalogPlugin for v2 session catalog implementations
   - Check on blockers
      - Remove SaveMode - remove special case after file sources are
      - Reorganize packages
   - Open PRs
      - DataFrameWriterV2:
      - SHOW TABLES:


   - Insert in DataFrameWriter v2 API:
      - Ryan: After reviewing the doc that Russel sent
      <>) last time, it doesn’t
      look like there is precedent for insert implementing upsert, without an
      additional clause like ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE or ON CONFLICT .... I
      think that means that insert should not be used for upsert and it is
      correct to use the verb “append” in the new API.
      - Wenchen: Spark already supports INSERT OVERWRITE that has no
      precedent other than Hive
      - Ryan: Good point. INSERT OVERWRITE is a partition-level replace. If
      we think of single-key stores as partitioned by row key, then
the dynamic INSERT
      OVERWRITE behavior is appropriate.
      - Ryan: One other reason to change “append” to “insert” is to match
      SQL. Should we consider renaming for consistency with SQL?
      - Burak: SQL inserts are by position and DataFrameWriterV2 appends
      are by name. DataFrameWriter (v1) uses position for insertInto,
so there is
      a precedent that insert is by position.
      - Ryan: I agree with that logic. It makes more sense to use append to
      distinguish behavior.
      - Consensus was to keep the “append” verb, but will discuss when
      Russel is back.
      - Burak: (Continuing from DataFrameWriterV2 discussion) The v2 writer
      looks fine other than the partition functions are close to built-in
      expression functions (year vs years).
      - Consensus was to use “partitioning.years” for partitioning
   - Changes to CatalogPlugin for v2 session catalog implementations
      - Wenchen: this adds a new config for overriding v2 session catalog,
      and a new abstract class that must be implemented
      - Ryan: Why a new config? If we intend for a user to be able to
      override this, then we already have a mechanism to configure it using the
      “session” catalog name.
      - Discussion on pros and cons of using a different config, consensus
      was to use the existing CatalogPlugin config
      - Ryan: Looks like this uses TableCatalog for the actual API and
      passes in the built-in V2SessionCatalog. That sounds like a good idea to
      me, instead of introducing a new API.
      - Burak: What about databases named “session”?
      - Ryan: Catalogs take precedence over databases, so the session
      catalog will be used for “session.table”.
      - Burak: Sounds like this is going to break existing queries then.
      - Ryan: I think the general rule that catalogs should take precedence
      is right. It would be worse to allow users creating databases to break
      other users’ catalogs — we avoid that problem with catalogs because they
      are limited to jobs when users create them and are otherwise an
      administrator option. But, session is a special case because
this is Spark
      building a catalog into all environments… I think that’s a good reason to
      name it something that we think is unlikely to conflict.
      - Discussion came up with several alternatives (*session*, built_in,
      etc) but consensus settled on “spark_catalog”. That’s more
descriptive and
      much less likely to conflict with existing databases.
   - Remove SaveMode: this was done by Wenchen’s commit that disabled file

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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