
2019년 11월 6일 (수) 오후 11:38, Wenchen Fan <cloud0...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> Sounds reasonable to me. We should make the behavior consistent within
> Spark.
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 6:29 AM Bryan Cutler <cutl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Currently, when a PySpark Row is created with keyword arguments, the
>> fields are sorted alphabetically. This has created a lot of confusion with
>> users because it is not obvious (although it is stated in the pydocs) that
>> they will be sorted alphabetically. Then later when applying a schema and
>> the field order does not match, an error will occur. Here is a list of some
>> of the JIRAs that I have been tracking all related to this issue:
>> SPARK-24915, SPARK-22232, SPARK-27939, SPARK-27712, and relevant discussion
>> of the issue [1].
>> The original reason for sorting fields is because kwargs in python < 3.6
>> are not guaranteed to be in the same order that they were entered [2].
>> Sorting alphabetically ensures a consistent order. Matters are further
>> complicated with the flag _*from_dict*_ that allows the Row fields to to
>> be referenced by name when made by kwargs, but this flag is not serialized
>> with the Row and leads to inconsistent behavior. For instance:
>> >>> spark.createDataFrame([Row(A="1", B="2")], "B string, A string").first()
>> Row(B='2', A='1')>>> 
>> spark.createDataFrame(spark.sparkContext.parallelize([Row(A="1", B="2")]), 
>> "B string, A string").first()
>> Row(B='1', A='2')
>> I think the best way to fix this is to remove the sorting of fields when
>> constructing a Row. For users with Python 3.6+, nothing would change
>> because these versions of Python ensure that the kwargs stays in the
>> ordered entered. For users with Python < 3.6, using kwargs would check a
>> conf to either raise an error or fallback to a LegacyRow that sorts the
>> fields as before. With Python < 3.6 being deprecated now, this LegacyRow
>> can also be removed at the same time. There are also other ways to create
>> Rows that will not be affected. I have opened a JIRA [3] to capture this,
>> but I am wondering what others think about fixing this for Spark 3.0?
>> [1] https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/20280
>> [2] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0468/
>> [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-29748

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