> In general a test should be self descriptive and I don't think we should
be adding JIRA ticket references wholesale. Any action that the reader has
to take to understand why a test was introduced is one too many. However in
some cases the thing we are trying to test is very subtle and in that case
a reference to a JIRA ticket might be useful, I do still feel that this
should be a backstop and that properly documenting your tests is a much
better way of dealing with this.

Yeah, the test should be self-descriptive. I don't think adding a JIRA
prefix harms this point. Probably I should add this sentence in the
guidelines as well.
Adding a JIRA prefix just adds one extra hint to track down details. I
think it's fine to stick to this practice and make it simpler and clear to

> 1. what if multiple JIRA IDs relating to the same test? we just take the
very first JIRA ID?
Ideally one JIRA should describe one issue and one PR should fix one JIRA
with a dedicated test.
Yeah, I think I would take the very first JIRA ID.

> 2. are we going to have a full scan of all existing tests and attach a
JIRA ID to it?
Yea, let's don't do this.

> It's a nice-to-have, not super essential, just because ...
It's been asked multiple times and each committer seems having a different
understanding on this.
It's not a biggie but wanted to make it clear and conclude this.

> I'd add this only when a test specifically targets a certain issue.
Yes, so this one I am not sure. From what I heard, people adds the JIRA in
cases below:

- Whenever the JIRA type is a bug
- When a PR adds a couple of tests
- Only when a test specifically targets a certain issue.
- ...

Which one do we prefer and simpler to follow?

Or I can combine as below (im gonna reword when I actually document this):
1. In general, we should add a JIRA ID as prefix of a test when a PR
targets to fix a specific issue.
    In practice, it usually happens when a JIRA type is a bug or a PR adds
a couple of tests.
2. Uses "SPARK-XXXX: test name" format

If we have no objection with ^, let me go with this.

2019년 11월 13일 (수) 오전 8:14, Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> Let's suggest "SPARK-12345:" but not go back and change a bunch of test
> cases.
> I'd add this only when a test specifically targets a certain issue.
> It's a nice-to-have, not super essential, just because in the rare
> case you need to understand why a test asserts something, you can go
> back and find what added it in the git history without much trouble.
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 10:46 AM Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Maybe it's not a big deal but it brought some confusions time to time
> into Spark dev and community. I think it's time to discuss about when/which
> format to add a JIRA ID as a prefix for the test case name in Scala test
> cases.
> >
> > Currently we have many test case names with prefixes as below:
> >
> > test("SPARK-XXXXX blah blah")
> > test("SPARK-XXXXX: blah blah")
> > test("SPARK-XXXXX - blah blah")
> > test("[SPARK-XXXXX] blah blah")
> > …
> >
> > It is a good practice to have the JIRA ID in general because, for
> instance,
> > it makes us put less efforts to track commit histories (or even when the
> files
> > are totally moved), or to track related information of tests failed.
> > Considering Spark's getting big, I think it's good to document.
> >
> > I would like to suggest this and document it in our guideline:
> >
> > 1. Add a prefix into a test name when a PR adds a couple of tests.
> > 2. Uses "SPARK-XXXX: test name" format which is used in our code base
> most
> >       often[1].
> >
> > We should make it simple and clear but closer to the actual practice.
> So, I would like to listen to what other people think. I would appreciate
> if you guys give some feedback about when to add the JIRA prefix. One
> alternative is that, we only add the prefix when the JIRA's type is bug.
> >
> > [1]
> > git grep -E 'test\("\SPARK-([0-9]+):' | wc -l
> >      923
> > git grep -E 'test\("\SPARK-([0-9]+) ' | wc -l
> >      477
> > git grep -E 'test\("\[SPARK-([0-9]+)\]' | wc -l
> >       16
> > git grep -E 'test\("\SPARK-([0-9]+) -' | wc -l
> >       13
> >
> >
> >

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