Thanks for your help!


On 1/9/20 5:49 PM, Wenchen Fan wrote:
You can take a look at ShuffleMapTask.runTask. It's not just a function.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 11:25 PM Jack Kolokasis < <>> wrote:

    Thanks for the help. I read that driver only send a function
    (task) to executors and the executors apply this function to their
    local RDD partitions.


    On 1/9/20 5:03 PM, Wenchen Fan wrote:
    RDD has a flag `storageLevel` which will be set by calling
    persist(). RDD will be serialized and sent to executors for
    running tasks. So executors just look at RDD.storageLevel and
    store output in its block manager when needed.

    On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 5:53 PM Jack Kolokasis
    < <>> wrote:

        Hello all,

        I want to find when a Task that is sended by Driver to
        executor contains
        a call to function persist(). I am trying to read the
        submitted function
        that driver send to executor but I could not find any call to
        method. Do you know how executor understand which RDDs needed
        to be persist?

        Iacovos Kolokasis

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