When discussions of docker have occurred in the past - mostly related to k8s - 
there is a lot of discussion about what is the right image to publish, as well 
as making sure Apache is ok with it. Apache official release is the source code 
so we may need to make sure to have disclaimer and we need to make sure it 
doesn't contain anything licensed that it shouldn't.  What happens when one of 
the docker images we publish has security update. We would need to make sure 
all the legal bases are covered first.  
Then the discussion comes into what is in the docker images and how useful it 
is. People run different os's, different python versions, etc. And like Sean 
mentioned how useful really is it other then a few examples.  Some discussions 
on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-24655

    On Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 02:16:37 PM CST, Dongjoon Hyun 
<dongjoon.h...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hi, All.
>From 2020, shall we have an official Docker image repository as an additional 
>distribution channel?
I'm considering the following images.
    - Public binary release (no snapshot image)    - Public non-Spark base 
image (OS + R + Python)      (This can be used in GitHub Action Jobs and 
Jenkins K8s Integration Tests to speed up jobs and to have more stabler 

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