
I understand that we forbid specifying "principal" & "proxy user" at the
same time because the current logic would just stage the keytab and the
proxy user could then use that to gain full access circumventing any

But we have a use-case for Livy where a different semantic would be great:
Livy is supposed to submit a job for other users. It does so by specifying
"proxy user" and it relies on the local credential cache (outside of Java)
to contain the proper tickets (it runs kinit in a background thread).

This will only work if Livy runs in an environment where it's the only user
working with that credentials cache. Unfortunately that's not always the
case when multiple services share the same user.

(One thing we'll try is to use the KRB5CCNAME environment variable to point
to a different Credential Cache for Livy but I'm not sure yet if that's
being passed on to the spawned Spark process)

Can we not allow specifying a keytab and principal together with proxy user
but those are only used for the initial login to submit the job and are not
shipped to the cluster? This way jobs wouldn't need to rely on the
operating system.

Maybe I'm missing something as well?


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