Is it really ready to be deprecated? The fact that we cannot do multiple
aggregations with structured streaming [1] is a serious runtime limitation that
the DStream API does not have,
Is it worth to deprecate without having an equivalent set of features?


On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 11:52 AM Prashant Sharma <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> It is noticed that some of the users of Spark streaming do not immediately 
> realise that it is a deprecated component and it would be scary, if they end 
> up with it in production. Now that we are in a position to release about 
> Spark 3.0.0, may be we should discuss - should the spark streaming carry an 
> explicit notice? That it is deprecated and not under active development.
> I have opened an issue already, but I think a mailing list discussion would 
> be more appropriate.
> Thanks,
> Prashant.

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