A few different takes surfaced:


No significant disagreements, just might be worth clarifying a consensus

"I feel this is a tiny thing that we should put into the migration guide,
not release notes? ... it depends on the definition of migration guide and
release notes: If I upgrade to 3.0 and hit compiler error, which one should
I read?"

"I think it's the other way around: some things are worth noting, but there
is no meaningful migration to guide. So they go in release notes, not a
migration guide, if anything. Do we have a different understanding?"

"Migration guide: legitimate improvements yet that are breaking. If that's
too trivial or minor, I wouldn't document. It depends on a committer's call.
Release note: significant breaking changes including the bug fixes and/or
improvement. One JIRA could appear in both migration guide and release
notes if it's worthwhile."

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