Hi Steve,

While I understand your point regarding the mixing of Hadoop jars, this does 
not address the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.

Prebuilt Apache Spark 3.0 builds are only available for Hadoop 2.7 or Hadoop 
3.2. Not Hadoop 3.1.

The only place that I have found that missing class is in the Spark 
“hadoop-cloud” source module, and currently the only way to get the jar 
containing it is to build it yourself. If any of the devs are listening it  
would be nice if this was included in the standard distribution. It has a 
sizeable chunk of a repackaged Jetty embedded in it which I find a bit odd.

But I am relatively new to this stuff so I could be wrong.

I am currently running Spark 3.0 clusters with no HDFS. Spark is set up like:

hadoopConfiguration.set("spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.committer.name", "directory");
hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.connection.maximum", Integer.toString(coreCount 
* 2));

Querying and updating s3a data sources seems to be working ok.


Steve C

On 29 Jun 2020, at 10:34 pm, Steve Loughran 
<ste...@cloudera.com.INVALID<mailto:ste...@cloudera.com.INVALID>> wrote:

you are going to need hadoop-3.1 on your classpath, with hadoop-aws and the 
same aws-sdk it was built with (1.11.something). Mixing hadoop JARs is doomed. 
using a different aws sdk jar is a bit risky, though more recent upgrades have 
all be fairly low stress

On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 05:39, murat migdisoglu 
<murat.migdiso...@gmail.com<mailto:murat.migdiso...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all
I've upgraded my test cluster to spark 3 and change my comitter to directory 
and I still get this error.. The documentations are somehow obscure on that.
Do I need to add a third party jar to support new comitters?


On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 1:35 AM murat migdisoglu 
<murat.migdiso...@gmail.com<mailto:murat.migdiso...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello all,
we have a hadoop cluster (using yarn) using  s3 as filesystem with s3guard is 
We are using hadoop 3.2.1 with spark 2.4.5.

When I try to save a dataframe in parquet format, I get the following exception:

My relevant spark configurations are as following:
"fs.s3a.committer.magic.enabled": true,
"fs.s3a.impl": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem",

While spark streaming fails with the exception above, apache beam succeeds 
writing parquet files.
What might be the problem?

Thanks in advance

"Talkers aren’t good doers. Rest assured that we’re going there to use our 
hands, not our tongues."
W. Shakespeare

"Talkers aren’t good doers. Rest assured that we’re going there to use our 
hands, not our tongues."
W. Shakespeare


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