Yeah I figured it's a best practice, so I'll raise a PR unless
somebody tells me not to. This is about build scripts, not Pyspark
itself, and half the scripts already specify python3.

On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 12:36 PM Oli McCormack <> wrote:
> [Warning: not spark+python specific information]
> It's recommended that you should explicitly call out python3 in a case like 
> this (see PEP-0394, and SO). Your environment is typical: python is often a 
> pointer to python2 for tooling compatibility reasons (other tools or scripts 
> that expect they're going to get python2 when they call python), and you 
> should use python3 to use the new version. What python points to will change 
> over time, so it's recommended to use python2 if explicitly depending on that.
> More generally: It's common/recommended to use a virtual environment + 
> explicitly stated versions of Python and dependencies, rather than system 
> Python, so that python means exactly what you intend it to. I know very 
> little about the Spark python dev stack and how challenging it may be to do 
> this, so please take this with a dose of naiveté.
> - Oli
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 9:58 AM Sean Owen <> wrote:
>> So, we are on Python 3 entirely now right?
>> It might be just my local Mac env, but "/usr/bin/env python" uses
>> Python 2 on my mac.
>> Some scripts write "/usr/bin/env python3" now. Should that be the case
>> in all scripts?
>> Right now the merge script doesn't work for me b/c it was just updated
>> to be Python 3 only.
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