  I think that I found error in InterpretedUnsafeProjection::getElementSize. 
This method differs from similar implementation in GenerateUnsafeProjection.

 InterpretedUnsafeProjection::getElementSize - returns wrong size for UDTs. I 
suggest to use similar code from GenerateUnsafeProjection.

Test type:
new ArrayType(new CustomUDT())

CustomUDT with sqlType=StringType

  Thank you

InterpretedUnsafeProjection implementation:

  private def getElementSize(dataType: DataType): Int = dataType match {
    case NullType | StringType | BinaryType | CalendarIntervalType |
         _: DecimalType | _: StructType | _: ArrayType | _: MapType => 8
    case _ => dataType.defaultSize

GenerateUnsafeProjection implementation:

    val et = UserDefinedType.sqlType(elementType)

    val elementOrOffsetSize = et match {
      case t: DecimalType if t.precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS => 8
      case _ if CodeGenerator.isPrimitiveType(jt) => et.defaultSize
      case _ => 8  // we need 8 bytes to store offset and length

PS Following line is not necessary because DecimalType is not primitive type - 
so it should be covered by default size=8.

      case t: DecimalType if t.precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS => 8

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