Is there any hard dependency on minkube? (i.e, GPU setting), kind ( is a stabler and simpler k8s cluster env on a
single machine (only requires docker) , it been widely used by k8s projects

I am interested at looking into test code to understand this aspect, but if
someone have more contexts to share, much appreciated.


On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 10:20 AM shane knapp ☠ <> wrote:

> please see:
> i could really use a hand.  all k8s integration tests are currently
> broken, and i'd rather spend the time fixing the latest version of
> minikube, k8s and the docker virtualization layer than debug the 'old' way
> which uses the kvm2/qemu virtualization layer.
> thanks in advance,
> shane
> --
> Shane Knapp
> Computer Guy / Voice of Reason
> UC Berkeley EECS Research / RISELab Staff Technical Lead

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