Some people asked me whether it was possible to create a docker file (spark
3.1.3) with Python packages geared towards DS etc., having the following
pre-built  packages

pyyaml TensorFlow Theano Pandas Keras NumPy SciPy Scrapy SciKit-Learn
XGBoost Matplotlib Seaborn Bokeh Plotly pydot Statsmodels

Ok I built and pushed this to the docker repository. It is called


It is 1.3 GB compared to the normal spark-py package of 432.79 MB

and you can download it from

These are the loaded packages from inside this docker

docker run -u 0 -it 7621929f9c97 bash

root@bb71cb7a89de:/opt/spark/work-dir# pip list

Package                      Version

---------------------------- -------------------

absl-py                      1.0.0

astunparse                   1.6.3

attrs                        21.4.0

Automat                      20.2.0

bokeh                        2.4.2

cachetools                   5.0.0

certifi                      2021.10.8

cffi                         1.15.0

charset-normalizer           2.0.12

constantly                   15.1.0

cryptography                 36.0.1

cssselect                    1.1.0

cycler                       0.11.0

flatbuffers                  2.0

fonttools                    4.29.1

gast                         0.5.3

google-auth                  2.6.0

google-auth-oauthlib         0.4.6

google-pasta                 0.2.0

grpcio                       1.44.0

h2                           3.2.0

h5py                         3.6.0

hpack                        3.0.0

hyperframe                   5.2.0

hyperlink                    21.0.0

idna                         3.3

importlib-metadata           4.11.1

incremental                  21.3.0

itemadapter                  0.4.0

itemloaders                  1.0.4

Jinja2                       3.0.3

jmespath                     0.10.0

joblib                       1.1.0

keras                        2.8.0

Keras-Preprocessing          1.1.2

kiwisolver                   1.3.2

libclang                     13.0.0

lxml                         4.8.0

Markdown                     3.3.6

MarkupSafe                   2.1.0

matplotlib                   3.5.1

numpy                        1.22.2

oauthlib                     3.2.0

opt-einsum                   3.3.0

packaging                    21.3

pandas                       1.4.1

parsel                       1.6.0

patsy                        0.5.2

Pillow                       9.0.1

pip                          22.0.3

plotly                       5.6.0

priority                     1.3.0

Protego                      0.2.1

protobuf                     3.19.4

pyasn1                       0.4.8

pyasn1-modules               0.2.8

pycparser                    2.21

PyDispatcher                 2.0.5

pydot                        1.4.2

pyOpenSSL                    22.0.0

pyparsing                    3.0.7

python-dateutil              2.8.2

pytz                         2021.3

PyYAML                       6.0

queuelib                     1.6.2

requests                     2.27.1

requests-oauthlib            1.3.1

rsa                          4.8

scikit-learn                 1.0.2

scipy                        1.8.0

Scrapy                       2.5.1

seaborn                      0.11.2

service-identity             21.1.0

setuptools                   60.9.3

six                          1.16.0

statsmodels                  0.13.2

tenacity                     8.0.1

tensorboard                  2.8.0

tensorboard-data-server      0.6.1

tensorboard-plugin-wit       1.8.1

tensorflow                   2.8.0

tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.24.0

termcolor                    1.1.0

tf-estimator-nightly         2.8.0.dev2021122109

Theano                       1.0.5

threadpoolctl                3.1.0

tornado                      6.1

Twisted                      22.1.0

typing_extensions            4.1.1

urllib3                      1.26.8

w3lib                        1.22.0

Werkzeug                     2.0.3

wheel                        0.34.2

wrapt                        1.13.3

xgboost                      1.5.2

zipp                         3.7.0

zope.interface               5.4.0

Let me know how it works for you.

   view my Linkedin profile

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