Hi, All.

Since Apache Spark 3.2.1 tag creation (Jan 19), new 197 patches
including 11 correctness patches arrived at branch-3.2.

Shall we make a new release, Apache Spark 3.2.2, as the third release
at 3.2 line? I'd like to volunteer as the release manager for Apache
Spark 3.2.2. I'm thinking about starting the first RC next week.

$ git log --oneline v3.2.1..HEAD | wc -l

# Correctness issues

SPARK-38075     Hive script transform with order by and limit will
return fake rows
SPARK-38204     All state operators are at a risk of inconsistency
between state partitioning and operator partitioning
SPARK-38309     SHS has incorrect percentiles for shuffle read bytes
and shuffle total blocks metrics
SPARK-38320     (flat)MapGroupsWithState can timeout groups which just
received inputs in the same microbatch
SPARK-38614     After Spark update, df.show() shows incorrect
F.percent_rank results
SPARK-38655     OffsetWindowFunctionFrameBase cannot find the offset
row whose input is not null
SPARK-38684     Stream-stream outer join has a possible correctness
issue due to weakly read consistent on outer iterators
SPARK-39061     Incorrect results or NPE when using Inline function
against an array of dynamically created structs
SPARK-39107     Silent change in regexp_replace's handling of empty strings
SPARK-39259     Timestamps returned by now() and equivalent functions
are not consistent in subqueries
SPARK-39293     The accumulator of ArrayAggregate should copy the
intermediate result if string, struct, array, or map


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