Hello Sam,

The design could easily be extended to a several streaming cases.

Adding more talent pool for development is always a good idea. As long as
there is active development and contribution.

Once the design goes through, and if we can get a few committers (hence
growing the community) actively developing on the project, it would
definitely boost the growth and turnaround time overall. We have been a bit
slow on that.

Thank you

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:15 PM, Samuel Heywood <sam.heyw...@cloudera.com>

> Vartika
> I'm reading through the ingest doc. This is very good.
> Question for you - this ingest design, it is extensible to use cases
> outside of cyber right? I mean, if we wanted to tap into online e-Commerce
> data sources we could still use the core aspects of your design right?
> I'm asking as if that's true, it may make it more possible to unlock
> resources within Cloudera to help develop this stuff
> Thank you Vartika,
> Sam
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Vartika Singh <vsi...@cloudera.com>
> wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > Keeping in mind the scope of growth in this project, we have come with
> this
> > initial design document for ingestion. The components of the ingestion
> > module have been designed keeping in mind the following constraints:
> >
> >    1. Extendible to any source.
> >    2. No latency between ingestion and output to the HDFS/persistent
> store.
> >    3. Maintain the integrity of the ODM module in order to facilitate
> >    seamless integration with applications.
> >
> > We are opening this document for review and all comments, feedbacks and
> > suggestions will be very welcome and will be helpful.
> >
> > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yYaD50gp2HN9RHYaUG8ASDfh3f__
> > GyB1Msu2LUofIU4/edit#heading=h.ptz51qlqt0t
> >
> >
> > Vartika Singh
> >
> --
> Sam Heywood
> Director Cybersecurity Strategy, Cloudera
> sam.heyw...@cloudera.com <sam.heyw...@gazzang.com>
> M: (512) 716-9660

Vartika Singh

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