
This email seemed to have slipped through the cracks. 
How is development going?
Is this still something you are interested in contributing?

- nathanael 

> On Sep 15, 2017, at 5:17 AM, Salvatore Elio <elio.salvat...@sia.eu> wrote:
> ​Hello,
> for an internal project we have developed a different ingestion process for 
> DNS in order to have a real time ingestion and support early enrichment of 
> the ingested data.
> The ingestion process is splitted into 2 processes:
> 1)     ​From DNS data to Kafka -  An Akka Streams job based on Pcap4j 
> (https://<https://github.com/kaitoy/pcap4j)>github.com/kaitoy/pcap4j<https://github.com/kaitoy/pcap4j)>)
>  which​:
> a.     loop through all the filtered UDP packets on port 53 using Pcap4j;
> b.     convert Pcap4j packet objects to AVRO using Twitter Bijection;
> c.      send Avro objects to Kafka.
> 2) From Kafka to hive - a Spark Streaming job that read new messages on Kafka 
> and write them in partitioned HDFS parquet folder readable by Hive/Impala.
> ​
> ​We would like to know your thoughts about this and if this could be 
> integrated into apache spot. If it is of interest we can share the code.
> Thanks
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