Dear Stanbol Users,

I have been experimenting with Stanbol system and came across few
frustrations on the way. As I understand there has been recent discussion
about the next release. In this regards, I would like to share with you the
following experience:

1) In the documentation to Tika engine there is a typo:

*"To detect the content type of parsed content. This is only performed if
the no content type is parsed of the cogent type is set to
"application/octed-stream". The detected content type is added to the
metadata of the Content Item."*

This did not work, and after some searching I found that it should be

2) In the documentation of Graph chain in Configuration Manager, there is a
seemingly misleading information to an inexperienced user:
*"Use the name of the rdf file available via the data file provides (e.g.
the "/sling/datafiles/" directory)."*

In the runtime folder "stanbol", there is a directory substructure:
Originally I thought that the chain config files belong there, whereas in
fact, the system looks for the config in this directory:

I am curious, what are the possibilities of contributing to the Stanbol
project, with solving the issues like these.

Best Regards,

Michal Krajnansky

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