>Eric Lemings wrote:
>According to our plans for type traits, is this how you would define an
>internal class template that combines the add_const<T> and
>add_reference<T> type modifiers?
>       #include <rw/_type_traits.h>
>       _RWSTD_NAMESPACE (__rw) {
>       template <class _TypeT>
>       class __rw_add_const_ref
>       {
>           typedef _TYPENAME __rw_add_const<_TypeT>::type      _ConstT;
>       public:
>           typedef _TYPENAME __rw_add_reference<_ConstT>::type type;
>       };
>       }   // namespace __rw

It is really close. I'd probably make it a struct and if there was any
complicated logic it would move into an impl struct to reduce clutter in
the outer class.

If you need the above trait, I should let you know that TR1 had
add_reference, but C++0x replaces that with add_lvalue_reference and
add_rvalue_reference. So it you should probably use the new names as we
probably won't have an __rw_add_reference trait.

        #include <rw/_typetraits.h>

        _RWSTD_NAMESPACE (__rw) {

        template <class _TypeT>
        struct __rw_add_const_ref
            typedef _TYPENAME __rw_add_lval_ref<
              _TYPENAME __rw_add_const<_TypeT>::type
          >::type type;

        }   // namespace __rw

>Also, it'd be nice if you jot down some of these plans for type traits
>on the C++0x Wiki <http://wiki.apache.org/stdcxx/Cpp0x>; e.g., header
>names, internal utilities, TODO work, etc.  ;)

Yes, I know. Given that discussion on the topic has died down I could
actually document what we've arrived at.


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