On 06/04/2010 04:52 PM, Stefan Teleman wrote:
2010/6/4 "C. Bergström"<cbergst...@pathscale.com>:

Portability is interesting to us, but we're also very much interested in
performance.  So previous to the upcoming release we only supported Linux,
but now we're looking to add OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Mac and possibly
other platforms as we have time to bring them up to production levels.

I am pleased to report that the latest Express version of the Oracle
Studio (nee Sun Studio) Compilers


supports the Apache Standard C++ Library (4.2.1):


Wow! This is big news! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Now if only we could get someone from Sun/Oracle to help with
stdcxx maintenance and a couple of machines to run stdcxx nightly
builds with Sun Studio on Solaris (SPARC and Linux), we'd be able
to be more responsive to feature requests and bug reports :)


(somewhat down the page)


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