Hi Martin,

> I've reviewed your patch for STDCXX-1051. It looks reasonable
> to me. I've made a couple of minor changes (see the attached
> diff):

Thanks for this! :)

> 1) Renamed EXEC_RUNNER to CFG_EXEC to match the .cfg suffix
>     we use for some of the configuration files (such as
>     GNUMakefile.cfg), and left it unset by default to avoid
>     unnecessarily invoking the shell by default. The extra
>     shell invocation can be quite expensive on systems line
>     CygWin and make the configuration process very slow.

Yes, I didn't know the convention, and indeed Cygwin especially on the
network is very expensive, configuration of stdcxx takes while.

> 2) Removed the changes to the link and compile_then_link
>     functions. Because of the comments within them these
>     were effectively commented out and had no effect.
> I also don't understand why the chmod +x command is
> necessary. The linker should set the executable bit after
> a successful link. There is one linker (HP) that fails (or
> used to) to delete the output file on failure (maybe when
> when it crashes). With that linker the only way to tell
> that the file is bad (other than the exit status of the
> linker) is by examining the executable bit.

I don't remember why I did this, but I remember it was something
that I needed to do, probably it was related somewhat to

> It is necessary in case of cross-compilation
> I've successfully tested the attached patch both ways, with
> and without a CFG_EXEC script. Let me know if this works for
> you.

Thanks! I will get back to you someday tomorrow or in the middle of this
week and let you know if that all works for me.
There will be few patches more.. I'll do my best to reduce from you
burden of veryfing and applying them.

> Martin

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