This is missing HdfsSpout   (STORM-1199)

On 5/3/16, 3:39 PM, "Hugo Da Cruz Louro" <> wrote:

>+1 (non binding)
>- Found a very minor bug in the storm-solr test topology, for which there
>is a very simple workaround and by NO means a blocker for the release.
>- unzipped .zip sources and binaries
>- mvn clean install in unzipped sources
>- created uber jar for storm-solr
>- tested storm-solr in local cluster mode and remode cluster mode
>- ran test examples
>On May 3, 2016, at 12:04 AM, Arun Mahadevan
><<>> wrote:
>+1 (binding)
>- Extracted binaries
>- Ran sample topologies
>- Browsed storm UI
>On 4/28/16, 12:01 PM, "Jungtaek Lim"
><<>> wrote:
>+1 (binding)
>- testing with source distribution : OK
>- unzip : OK
>- building from source dist : OK
>  - how to build: running `mvn -P all-tests clean install` on unzipped
>source dist.
>- testing with binary distribution (one machine) : OK
>- launch daemons : OK
>- run RollingTopWords (local) : OK
>- run RollingTopWords (remote) : OK
>  - activate / deactivate / rebalance / kill : OK
>Jungtaek Lim
>2016년 4월 28일 (목) 오전 3:29, P. Taylor Goetz
><<>>님이 작성:
>This is a call to vote on releasing Apache Storm 0.10.1 (rc2)
>Full list of changes in this release:
>The tag/commit to be voted upon is v0.10.1:
>The source archive being voted upon can be found here:
>Other release files, signatures and digests can be found here:
>The release artifacts are signed with the following key:
>The Nexus staging repository for this release is:
>Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Storm 0.10.1.
>When voting, please list the actions taken to verify the release.
>This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
>[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Storm 0.10.1
>[ ]  0 No opinion
>[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
>Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.

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