Hi There!

I'm wondering what the intent of the multilang-javascript module and the
storm.js file is (
https://github.com/apache/storm/tree/master/storm-multilang/javascrip). Is
this intended as a reference or example implementation of a node.js/storm
integration? Or are you intending storm.js to be the canonical node.js
multilang wrapper that everyone should use for real/production storm
projects that use the multilang protocol to communicate with node.js bolts
and spouts?

The reason I ask is that my team is starting to look at adding storm
topologies to a large node.js project, and we are trying to decide whether
to use the storm.js file included in the storm distribution as our starting
point, or use a 3rd party library or roll our own.

I haven't found any 3rd party libraries that seem actively maintained. The
storm.js file looks good, but seems to only expose a limited number of
features (no support for bolts that do not ack automatically, no hooks for
tick tuples, etc.). We'd be happy to submit some PRs to add this
functionality, and add the metadata files to make it a real node.js package.

Is that something you would want to add to storm-multilang? Or is that
beyond the scope of what you intended the multilang-javascript module to be?

Let me know what you think!



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