Thank you Aaron.

We use Kafka and JMS spouts and several bolts - Elastic-Search, Solr,
Cassandra, Couchbase and HDFS in different scenarios and need to have the
dead letter functionality for almost all these scenarios.
Locally we have this functionality almost ready for writing dead-letters to
Solr or Kafka.
I will try to contribute the same to Storm as a PR and we can then look
into adding the failing tuple as well. I agree adding the failing tuple
would be somewhat more complicated.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Aaron Niskodé-Dossett <>

> I like the idea, especially if it can be implemented as generically as
> possible. Ideally we could "dead letter" both the original tuple and the
> tuple that itself failed. Intervening transformations could have changed
> the original tuple. I realize that's adds a lot of complexity to your idea
> and may not be feasible.
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 1:15 AM S G <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to gather some thoughts on a suggestion to provide a dead-letter
> > functionality common to all spouts/bolts.
> >
> > Currently, if any spout / bolt reports a failure, it is retried by the
> > spout.
> > For a single bolt-failure in a large ADG, this retry logic can cause
> > several perfectly successful component to replay and yet the Tuple could
> > fail exactly at the same bolt on retry.
> >
> > This is fine usually (if the failure was temporary, say due to a network
> > glitch) but sometimes, the message is bad enough such that it should not
> be
> > retried but at the same time important enough that its failure should not
> > be ignored.
> >
> > Example: ElasticSearch-bolt receiving bytes from Kafka-Spout.
> >
> > Most of the times, it is able to deserialize the bytes correctly but
> > sometimes a badly formatted message fails to deserialize. For such cases,
> > neither Kafka-Spout should retry nor ES-bolt should report a success. It
> > should however be reported to the user somehow that a badly serialized
> > message entered the stream.
> >
> > For cases like temporary network glitch, the Tuple should be retried.
> >
> > So the proposal is to implement a dead-letter topic as:
> >
> > 1) Add a new method *failWithoutRetry(Tuple, Exception)* in the
> collector.
> > Bolts will begin using it once its available for use.
> >
> > 2) Provide the ability to *configure a dead-letter data-store in the
> > spout* for
> > failed messages reported by #1 above.
> >
> >
> > The configurable data-store should support kafka, solr and redis to
> > begin-with (Plus the option to implement one's own and dropping a jar
> file
> > in the classpath).
> >
> > Such a feature should benefit all the spouts as:
> >
> > 1) Topologies will not block replaying the same doomed-to-fail tuples.
> > 2) Users can set alerts on dead-letters and find out easily actual
> problems
> > in their topologies rather than analyze all failed tuples only to find
> that
> > they failed because of a temporary network glitch.
> > 3) Since the entire Tuple is put into the dead-letter, all the data is
> > available for retrying after fixing the topology code.
> >
> > Please share your thoughts if you think it can benefit storm in a generic
> > way.
> >
> > Thx,
> > SG
> >

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