
We are writing a spout that needs to store its progress and unlike kafka,
the datastore here has no concept of storing offsets.

I looked at IStatefulBolt but that seems to be usable only for Bolts.
Any idea if an IStatefulSpout is planned for the recent future?
Thinking aloud, IStatefulSpout seems like would be a much more common
requirement than IStatefulBolt because its usually the spouts that keep
track of their progress while the bolts are just stateless (most of the
time) and idempotent (most of the time).

Also, is there a guide to use zookeeper for such use-cases?
I see some classes like org.apache.storm.zookeeper.Zookeeper and
org.apache.storm.utils.Utils which have some zookeeper related methods.

Is it a good idea to use these classes for storing some offsets in
zookeeper (data is not too heavy size wise and frequency of storage is
configurable) or wait for IStatefulSpout (if any is planned) ?


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