Github user erikdw commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
storm-webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/storm/daemon/drpc/ ---
    @@ -45,170 +46,180 @@
     import org.slf4j.Logger;
     import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    -import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
     public class DRPCServer implements AutoCloseable {
    -    private static final Logger LOG = 
    -    private final static Meter meterShutdownCalls = 
    -    //TODO in the future this might be better in a common webapp location
    -    public static void addRequestContextFilter(ServletContextHandler 
context, String configName, Map<String, Object> conf) {
    -        IHttpCredentialsPlugin auth = 
AuthUtils.GetHttpCredentialsPlugin(conf, (String)conf.get(configName));
    -        ReqContextFilter filter = new ReqContextFilter(auth);
    -        context.addFilter(new FilterHolder(filter), "/*", 
    -    }
    -    private static ThriftServer mkHandlerServer(final DistributedRPC.Iface 
service, Integer port, Map<String, Object> conf) {
    -        ThriftServer ret = null;
    -        if (port != null && port >= 0) {
    -            ret = new ThriftServer(conf, new 
    -                    ThriftConnectionType.DRPC);
    -        }
    -        return ret;
    -    }
    -    private static ThriftServer mkInvokeServer(final 
DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface service, int port, Map<String, Object> conf) {
    -        return new ThriftServer(conf, new 
    -                ThriftConnectionType.DRPC_INVOCATIONS);
    -    }
    -    private static Server mkHttpServer(Map<String, Object> conf, DRPC 
drpc) {
    -        Integer drpcHttpPort = (Integer) 
    -        Server ret = null;
    -        if (drpcHttpPort != null && drpcHttpPort >= 0) {
    -  "Starting RPC HTTP servers...");
    -            String filterClass = (String) 
    -            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    -            Map<String, String> filterParams = (Map<String, String>) 
    -            FilterConfiguration filterConfiguration = new 
FilterConfiguration(filterClass, filterParams);
    -            final List<FilterConfiguration> filterConfigurations = 
    -            final Integer httpsPort = 
ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.DRPC_HTTPS_PORT), 0);
    -            final String httpsKsPath = (String) 
    -            final String httpsKsPassword = (String) 
    -            final String httpsKsType = (String) 
    -            final String httpsKeyPassword = (String) 
    -            final String httpsTsPath = (String) 
    -            final String httpsTsPassword = (String) 
    -            final String httpsTsType = (String) 
    -            final Boolean httpsWantClientAuth = (Boolean) 
    -            final Boolean httpsNeedClientAuth = (Boolean) 
    -            //TODO a better way to do this would be great.
    -            DRPCApplication.setup(drpc);
    -            ret = UIHelpers.jettyCreateServer(drpcHttpPort, null, 
    -            UIHelpers.configSsl(ret, httpsPort, httpsKsPath, 
httpsKsPassword, httpsKsType, httpsKeyPassword, httpsTsPath, httpsTsPassword, 
    -                    httpsNeedClientAuth, httpsWantClientAuth);
    -            ServletContextHandler context = new 
    -            context.setContextPath("/");
    -            ret.setHandler(context);
    -            ServletHolder jerseyServlet = 
context.addServlet(ServletContainer.class, "/*");
    -            jerseyServlet.setInitOrder(1);
    -            jerseyServlet.setInitParameter("", 
    -            UIHelpers.configFilters(context, filterConfigurations);
    -            addRequestContextFilter(context, 
    -        }
    -        return ret;
    -    }
    -    private final DRPC _drpc;
    -    private final ThriftServer _handlerServer;
    -    private final ThriftServer _invokeServer;
    -    private final Server _httpServer;
    -    private Thread _handlerServerThread;
    -    private boolean _closed = false;
    -    public DRPCServer(Map<String, Object> conf) {
    -        _drpc = new DRPC(conf);
    -        DRPCThrift thrift = new DRPCThrift(_drpc);
    -        _handlerServer = mkHandlerServer(thrift, 
ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(Config.DRPC_PORT), null), conf);
    -        _invokeServer = mkInvokeServer(thrift, 
ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(Config.DRPC_INVOCATIONS_PORT), 3773), conf);
    -        _httpServer = mkHttpServer(conf, _drpc);
    -    }
    +  private static final Logger LOG = 
    +  private final static Meter meterShutdownCalls = StormMetricsRegistry
    +      .registerMeter("drpc:num-shutdown-calls");
    +  private final DRPC _drpc;
    +  private final ThriftServer _handlerServer;
    +  private final ThriftServer _invokeServer;
    +  private final Server _httpServer;
    +  private Thread _handlerServerThread;
    +  private boolean _closed = false;
    +  public DRPCServer(Map<String, Object> conf) {
    --- End diff --
    My experience has been that auto-formatting tools all suck.  But I'll try 
to set aside some time to figure out how to make this one suck a little bit 
less.  I really cannot stand this output, I cannot read it.

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