Hi, expert

We have upgraded our storm cluster to V.1.1.0 from 1.0.2. We are using
TridentSpout for our topology, and change our external package from
Storm-Kafka to Storm-Kafka-Client to be fit to the new Kafka API.

But in test, we found that our Topology working find with
the KafkaTridentSpoutOpaque, it's just the same as the OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout
in storm-kafka v.1.0.2.
But for the KafkaTridentSpoutTransactional, it's very strange. Seems
Storm-kafka-client 1.1.0 do not support KafkaTridentSpoutTransactional.

Here is the code for
in v.1.1.0:
*Is Storm-kafka-client no longer support KafkaTridentSpoutTransactional?*

public class KafkaTridentSpoutTransactional implements
IPartitionedTridentSpout {


    public Coordinator getCoordinator(Map conf, TopologyContext context) {

        return null;



    public Emitter getEmitter(Map conf, TopologyContext context) {

        return null;



    public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {

        return null;



    public Fields getOutputFields() {

        return null;


Thanks a lot.

Yuxiang Mai

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