By default there are no `_eventlogger` tasks.  To have this feature enabled you 
need to turn it on by setting topology.eventlogger.executors to a positive 
number.  Ackers are on by default, but can be disabled by setting the number of 
topology.acker.executors to 0.  You should respect these when scheduling a 
topology because if they are supposed to be there and they are not scheduled 
messages will be sent to them, but they will be lost.  In the case of acking 
all of the tuples will time out.  In the case of the event logger the UI will 
show it working, but nothing will ever come out.
Now that is on a per topology basis, not on a per worker basis.  These bolts 
are like any other bolt.  They can be in any worker your scheduler wants to put 
them in.  When inserting an acker bolt it is using a keyed grouping connected 
to just about everything in your topology, so where you place it is not that 
critical as it is going to be talking to everything.  The event logger bolts 
are similar, but using a fields grouping based off of component id.
You could try to be smart to try and collocate the component with the logger 
for it, but honestly this feature slows your topology down so much already it 
is probably not worth trying to optimize it as it really will only be used when 
you need to do some serious debugging.

- Bobby

On Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 4:44:55 AM CDT, AMir Firouzi <> 

hi guys
i'm working on my own scheduler for storm. i wonder what happens if i
create a worker process and put some tasks in it(bolt/spout tasks) but no
_eventlogger and _acker tasks. what happens? is it a problem? tuples
transferred/emitted from within tasks in this worker will be skipped or
they just use another _acker or _loggers in other workers?

thanks in advance

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