Thanks Richard !

I am starting a release of my code based on this new Storm 2.6.0
snapshot 20231114, and I will upgrade our pre-production (running with
previous 2.6.0 snapshot of 2nd of November + few hand applies patches)

On a side note, I have made a crazy test yesterday, which was to
migrate my topologies from Java EE APIs to Jakarta EE ones
(jakarta.json, etc with Johnzon version compatible with Jakarta).
Strangely, my topologies are failing so much that Nimbus thinks the
Supervisor (test made with a single Supervision type of deployment) in
unhealthy and restarts are failing. Even more strange is that I don't
find any useful log, which could complain that I had forgot to migrate
from javax. to jakartax. something that should be so... I will update
dev list on a separate thread for this topic...


Le mar. 14 nov. 2023 à 10:52, Richard Zowalla <> a écrit :
> Hi all,
> as written in the other thread, I have prepared another SNAPSHOT
> artifact incorporting the feedbach received in the first round.
> I would like to receive some feedback on the current SNAPSHOT build
> again.
> I just uploaded a 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT of Storm build from
> It is available via the ASF Snapshot repository:
> You can consume by adding
>  <repository>
>       <id>apache.snapshots</id>
>       <name>Apache Snapshot Repository</name>
>       <url></url>
>       <releases>
>         <enabled>false</enabled>
>       </releases>
>  </repository>
> to your project pom. As we do not deploy SNAPSHOTS automatically, it
> should be easy to just consume the latest SNAPSHOT.
> The packaged binaries are available at
> If you have some minutes left: Please test and report any issues with
> this binaries, so we can fix before attempting to release.
> The most significant changes are some fixes of ui-related bugs +
> upgrades of dependencies with CVEs, etc.
> Here is a diff:
> A summary in Jira is here:
> Gruß
> Richard

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