
I was working on completely refactoring the installer on the weekend [1]

The problem was always having some sort of too many areas where we needed to 
touch and
that we did not have a clear focus on what kinda user role should use what 
kinda way to set up his/her

Thus, I propose my initial work to discuss with you:

- StreamPipes Compose - The User's Choice
- StreamPipes CLI - The Developer's Favorite
- StreamPipes k8s - The Operator's Dream

StreamPipes Compose: User tailored

Two compose files with a default minimal version including few pipeline elments 
and a optional full option including more
pipeline elements. Thus this should work for almost all OS platforms having 
Docker and Docker-Compose installed. So,
we do not need to maintain .bat or ps1 files for windows.

No ports are mapped except port 80 - so minimal surface for conflicting ports.

StreamPipes CLI: Developer oriented

Command line interface to easily setup various dev environments locally in 
order to either write new pipeline elements or
new core features.

Ports of services are mapped by default as specified in the respective service 

StreamPipes k8s: Operator oriented

Allow StreamPipes to be deployed on k8s using helm.


Overall we layed the foundation. However, I guess we can further integrate the 
k8s option in the CLI in order to deploy our
helm chart using the CLI.

In addition, the CLI could be easily extended with new features such as 
creating new project skeletons using our existing maven archetype.

Take a look at it, try it out. Discuss what kind of features to include or tell 
whats your general opinion.



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