That was my thought - and it would make it „harder“ to automate things again. 
Now that we got a common base image as well this would break things.
I investigated a litlle bit yesterday. Often when using alpine, because it is 
so stripped down in favor of lower footprint and so on, you have to reinstall
necessary pkgs using the alpine package manager or event compile them for 
alpine architecture (if needed).

What I found so far was to add this, but I would need to run tests to see if it 
works or if additional changes are needed.

RUN apk --update add --no-cache \
    fontconfig \


> Am 14.09.2020 um 11:22 schrieb Dominik Riemer <>:
> Hi Philipp,
> we should try to avoid changing the base image as we changed it to OpenJ9 to 
> decrease the memory footprint - when we change it back we would need to 
> re-run tests on systems like Raspberry PI to make sure the minimum hardware 
> requirements are still met.
> Is there another way to import the fonts or to change the code so that the 
> image enricher works without access to local font libraries?
> Dominik
> On 2020/09/13 17:06:10, Patrick Wiener <> wrote: 
>> It would be really helpful if you could post a snippet of the concrete 
>> failure log.
>> Patrick
>>> Am 13.09.2020 um 18:43 schrieb Philipp Zehnder <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> we currently have a bug in our image enrichment processor.
>>> Everything works fine when we running in development, but in docker some 
>>> libraries are missing, see [1].
>>> Unfortunately, it did not work to just install those libraries, I had to 
>>> change the base image.
>>> With ARG BASE_IMAGE=openjdk:8-jre it is working. 
>>> Now my question is, can we change the base image of 
>>> streampipes-pipeline-elements-all-jvm & 
>>> streampipes-processors-image-processing-jvm or does anybody have some 
>>> experience with missing libraries in alpine images and knows what else we 
>>> could do?
>>> Philipp
>>> [1] 

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