Hi Branislav,

thanks a lot for bringing up these ideas!
I like your suggestions and I think it makes sense to integrate them in the 
dashboard and probably also into the data explorer.

As the mailing list unfortunately removes attachments, I created a wiki page 
where we can put images related to visualizations at [1]
@Branislav, if you sign up for a wiki account, we can assign you read and write 
privileges to the wiki afterwards.
@Patrick, I know that you've already drawn some early sketches on some things 
Branislav suggested as well - can you upload them to the wiki?

Then we can make a plan how to implement the extensions - at least some of them 
should be rather easy to implement once we have added the already planned 
extensions to static properties.



On 2020/10/13 08:41:19, Branislav Jovicic <branislav.jovi...@nissatech.com> 
> Greetings, everyone,
> I was working on timeseries analysis and I wanted to visualize results (as an 
> output of a pipeline). I found out that StreamPipes Dashboard does not 
> provide suitable features.
> Therefore, I decided to get in touch with you and suggest several features.
> What I wanted to achieve looks similar to this:
> [cid:f3687bc7-f051-467e-aa0f-1ef83a2c8950]
> Features that I am suggesting are following:
>   *   horizontal lines
>   *   vertical lines
>   *   multiple graphs per chart (e.g. multiple line graphs)
>   *   advanced styling options (colors, lines, labels, etc)
>   *   styling based on property value (example from above - blue and red 
> points)
>   *   onHover event (e.g. hovering over a point, displays information)
> Maybe, some kind of "Chart Builder" would be viable option - User would 
> select "chart" visualization from Dashboard Sink and then "Chart Builder" 
> would pop up, providing options for creating desired chart.
> For example, if user wanted to draw line graph, he would select that option 
> and then he would need to select array property from an incoming event. Next, 
> he could add horizontal line/s to that chart by selecting "horizontal line" 
> option and appropriate single value/array property from an event, etc.
> Basically, user would be able to visualize every property of an event with an 
> appropriate graph option in the same chart:
>   *   arrays -> line/bar graphs, horizontal/vertical lines
>   *   single numerical value -> point, horizontal/vertical line
>   *   etc.
> I am open for discussion and I would like to hear your opinions on this topic.
> Kindest regards,
> Branislav

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