
StreamPipes is a platform for IoT/IIoT analytics providing a rich toolbox of 
components that can basically be installed either on-premise or in the cloud.

For installation, as described on the website you’ll find several option among
the most popular is a simple Docker-based installation using Docker in 
with Docker-Compose [1].

So there is no limitation in terms of WHERE you run, however we do have resource
requirements: at least 2Gb RAM (the more the better - we recommend having 
around 6-8Gb)
and a reasonably fast CPU.

What are your requirements? What interface are you planning to use for 
accessing the data
from the welding robot? What about the frequency and volume?


[1] https://streampipes.apache.org/download.html

> Am 12.03.2021 um 18:32 schrieb Oswa Haddar <oswahhad...@gmail.com>:
> Good evening,
> My name is Oswa. I am doing a project for the university. We want to
> correct the path of a welding robot using* 5G and AI*. So we need a cloud
> system to do so. It is still in the research phase. So I would like to know
> if streampipes is compatible to cloud platform? I mean can it be directly
> connected to the cloud or we need another intermediate?
> it is possible for you to help me. Tell me about *the performance; the
> speed, the price, the adaptation to AI and most importantly how easy it is
> to work with, from users perspective, dealing with* *it and so*.
> Thank you.
> Best regards,

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