Fundamentally processors as initially conceived do not maintain fire events 
autonomously or maintain state between messages.  Changing that paradigm would 
mean Pig/MR1 would not longer be capable of serving as a full-featured 
processor runtime.  Agree this is limiting, but only in terms of what a 
processor can do, not what streams can do.  

Steve Blackmon

> On May 14, 2014, at 2:02 PM, Ryan Ebanks <> wrote:
> I think a processor should solely be responsible for processing data.  I
> think the interface describes exactly what a processor should do, get a
> piece of data and produce out put data.  Having it do more than that is
> expanding the functionality of a processor beyond its intent.
> I do agree that being able to fire off events for lack of data is
> necessary, but that should be the responsibility of the provider.  The
> provider is the connection to the outside world and  should be in charge of
> producing new data and firing off events when new data is not produced or
> missing.  The provider should know exactly when the last piece of new data
> entered the system, and so it will know when to send alerts.  Everything
> downstream of the provider should be a closed flow and have guarantees of
> processing.  Which most runtimes do, the local runtime needs a lot of love
> though.
> Without a doubt the runtime environments need to be improved and rigorously
> tested to make sure that once data enters a stream from a provider, that no
> data is dropped and completes the stream.  However, I do not believe that
> changing the processor is the answer that problem.
> Ryan Ebanks
> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Matthew Hager [W2O Digital] <
>> wrote:
>> Matt,
>> As always thanks for your feedback and mentorship as I work to contribute
>> to this project.
>> I feel the current pattern for processor is extremely limiting given the
>> constraint of the return statement rather than the alternative of receive
>> -> process -> write. It seems that if we revise the current interfaces we
>> could handle many more use-cases with streams that cannot currently be
>> accomplished.
>> Current "StreamsProcessor":
>> -- Contract --
>> List<StreamsDatum> process(StreamsDatum datum);
>> -- Drawbacks --
>> For the processor to access the 'writer' he must have an item to be
>> processed. If he doesn't have an item, then he can't write anything
>> downstream.
>> -- Use Cases Not Satisfied --
>> In many cases the absence of data on a 'stream' is an event in itself. For
>> instance, if I want to have a listener at various portions of the process
>> to ensure my processing data providers are working appropriately. If I
>> want to send out a message, log an event to Oracle, and alert PagerDuty,
>> for stale data. I can write a quick processor that checks for stale data,
>> then upon recognition of stale data (timer expiring), fire the proper
>> events to it's writers.
>> Other use cases involve... debugging, stream summarization metrics,
>> trending algorithms, processing  stats, and many others.
>> +++ Proposed Interfaces +++
>> // Analogous to Provider
>> public interface Provider {
>>        push(StreamsDatum);
>>        registerListener(Listener);
>> }
>> // Analogous to Writer
>> public interface Listener {
>>        receive(StreamsDatum);
>> }
>> // Analogous to Processor
>> public interface Processor implements Prover, Listener {
>> }
>> +++ Conclusion +++
>> I feel the event driven model is more flexible than the current model. We
>> can write an interface for the legacy 'contract' to ease implementation /
>> transition.
>> IE:
>> interface LegacyProcessor {
>>        List<StreamsDatum> process(StreamsDatum datum);
>> }
>> class LegacyProcessorImpl {
>>        listen(StreamsDatum datum) {?
>>                forEach(StreamsDatum d : this.transform(datum) {
>>                        ?this.write(datum);?
>>                }
>>        ?}
>> }
>> I really love streams, I think the concept is great, I think adding this
>> would take streams from "great" --> "OMG, the whole world should use this
>> all the time for everything ever, it is flipping amazing and better than
>> ice cream on a hot sunny day."
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks!
>> Smashew
>>> On 5/13/14, 2:38 PM, "Matt Franklin" <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 10:53 PM, Matthew Hager [W2O Digital] <
>>>> wrote:
>>> <snip />
>>>> StreamsResultSet - I actually found this to be quite useful paradigm. A
>>>> queue prevents a buffer overflow, an iterator makes it fun and easy to
>>>> read (I love iterators), and it is simple and succinct. I do, however,
>>>> feel it is best expressed as an interface instead of a class.
>>> I agree with an interface.  IMO, anything that is not a utility style
>>> helper should be interacted with via its interface.
>>>> The thing missing from this, as an interface, would be the notion of
>>>> "isRunning" which could easily
>>>> satisfy both of the aforementioned modalities.
>>> Reasonable.
>>>> Event Driven - I concur with Matt 100% on this. As currently
>>>> implemented,
>>>> LocalStreamsBuilder is exceedingly inefficient from a memory perspective
>>>> and time execution perspective. To me, it seems, that we could almost
>>>> abstract out 2 common interfaces to make this happen.
>>>>        * Listener { receive(StreamsDatum); }
>>>>        * Producer { push(StreamsDatum); registerListener(Listener); }
>>>> Where the following implementations would place:
>>>>        * Reader implements Producer
>>>>        * Processor implements Producer, Listener
>>>>        * Writer implements Listener
>>> Seems logical.  I would like to see the two possible operating modes
>>> represented as distinct interfaces.

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