Since nobody responded on my question since more than a week,
I think it is reasonable to conclude there is nobody really
interested any more to try continue the effort here.

I'll therefore start a final VOTE for retiring Apache Streams to the attic.

Regards, Ate

On 2016-09-09 18:21, Ate Douma wrote:
Hi Streams community,

With my mentor hat on, I need to raise the question if there is a realistic
future for Apache Streams at the ASF.

While I think the project provides some solid features, the activity has
dwindled down to practically zero. And definitely so for community involvement.

Steve did a really good job and attempt to raise more interest during the
last ApacheCon in Vancouver, and there was quite some positive feedback.
However, since then, nothing really changed.

And as the lifeline for Apache projects really only is and can be provided
by an active community, without that, I conclude that for Streams the ASF
probably is not the right place to grow and thrive.

However, there might be silent followers on this list, already happily using
the code, or otherwise being interested in its success.
If that is the case, and if they are willing to come forward and put active
effort in helping Apache Streams as a project move forward towards graduation,
then maybe we should give it a last shot at trying so.

So I'm calling out to such silent followers to speak up now!

Otherwise I suggest to call a final vote for retirement soon before the
next incubator board report (in 3 months time).

Kind regards,

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