How does gitbox fit into this? I’m totally on board with changing the origins 
so that the PR merges can be done directly from Github, but I don’t know if I 
understand the gitbox part.

> On May 16, 2017, at 2:40 PM, sblackmon <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I learned this afternoon that infra now supports transitioning to a git 
> setup, gitbox, capable of more native integration with github, including the 
> ability to merge pull requests from within the github UI.
> My understanding is we just need to ask to go through this transition.  We’d 
> all need to change our origin to the new url, but otherwise there should be 
> no downside to the swap.
> Does anyone know of a reason not to do this?  Or want to express support in 
> favor?
> Steve

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