On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 16:04:40 -0400, Mike Stanley wrote:
> Another simple suggstion I would like to make (enhancement request) -
>  it would be extremely powerful to add the property support that
> exists for plugin configuration, to action and request processors.  
> This can go along way for special purpose actions.  The parameter
> attribute is ok - but too limiting (IMO).

Sounds good to me. You should file this with Bugzilla and attach a patch if you can.

A related enhancement, which is long overdue, is

* Enhance all configs to extend one configuration element from another, as is done 
with Tiles Definitions

I'd dearly love to see a patch for this enhancement. It would make such a difference 
in so many Struts config files. And now that we're in the 1.3 zone, the gloves are off 


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