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The following page has been changed by Bob Lee:

     <param name="namespace">/${actionNamespace}</param>
  }}}  My point is this feature enables a new style of development, one closer 
to RoR and, IMO, easier for the newbie, without affecting anyone else.
+     * [crazybob] Assuming you have a `getResult()` method and you've defined 
a global result, your second example could look like this: {{{
+  result = ActionRedirectResult("bar", "foo");
+  return CUSTOM;
+ }}} A Ruby on Rails analog would look like this: {{{
+   public void execute() {
+     ...
+     if (foo) {
+       redirectToAction("foo", "bar");
+     }
+     else {
+       forwardToAction("tee");
+     }
+   }
+ }}} If the user doesn't call a result method, we would use an intelligent 
default. You could implement this using an interceptor and an action support 
class. However, I'm with Jason: I've never needed this and I like the 
  == Nice to haves ==

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