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       [phil] This is, depending on what you want, fairly easy to really 
complicated. You can easily register a new FreemarkerExceptionHandler in 
components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine to limit the stacktraces. But it 
will still be gibberish if you don't know what happens (eg. " Error on line 43, 
column 13 in template/simple/select.ftl - 
stack.findString(parameters.listValue) is undefined. It cannot be assigned to 
itemValue]" -> that hardly tells you you specified a non-existant method for 
listValue in your select box). Solution: we should do more checking in the 
components instead before rendering.
    1. Defaults should be JSP all the way. People know it and like it, despite 
all the limitations. Allow for other view technologies, but don't force people 
to learn stuff they don't want to. Learning ww is enough of a pain as it is
-      [tm_jee] Hmm... are you suggesting that we should support JSP template 
as well? WebWork currently does support JSP view, just theat there's no 
theme/templates written in JSP due to JSP not being able to be packaged and 
displayed from a jar file in the classpath.
+     * [tm_jee] Hmm... are you suggesting that we should support JSP template 
as well? WebWork currently does support JSP view, just theat there's no 
theme/templates written in JSP due to JSP not being able to be packaged and 
displayed from a jar file in the classpath.
+     * [plightbo] Agreed - examples, default results, etc should be JSP. 
However, we need to keep UI tags in a template language so they can be used in 
all view technologies. Right now that is FreeMarker, though if we can find a 
template language that is more like JSP (say, without the scripplets), I would 
like to switch to that.
    1. Get rid of the validation framework. it's stupid and pointless, validate 
methods are good enough.
      * [jcarreira] -1 I take offense at this... It's neither stupid NOR 
pointless, and we use it extensively. It's the best validation framework I've 
seen out there, and NO, validate methods are NOT enough. For instance, we 
define reusable validations for our domain models and use them for both the web 
front end as well as web services and batch imports. 
      * [tmjee] -1 If possible please don't do so. I use it and like it. I 
guess (for me at least), sometimes for simple validation it is nice to be able 
to just describe it (using xml or annotation). Plus the validation could be 
tied to DWR for ajax support. Being able to write custom validator is really 
cool. Please reconsider this. :-)
      * [frankz] -1 as well.  If you had said the validation framework could 
stand to be enhanced and expanded on a bit, I'd agree, but I definitely think 
it should be there, not pointless or stupid at all.  Declarative validation is 
a fantastic approach, especially with validator being a separate Commons 
component.  For instance, we are working on a project at work that is going to 
use Validator and the CoR implementation in JWP as the basis for a rules 
engine... I put together a proof of concept showing how we could use the exact 
same validations in the web front-end via AJAX calls as in the Web Service 
interface for other systems to call on.  Being able to write those validations 
in XML without having to write actual code was a great thing.
      * [crazybob] I think sharing validations between AJAX and Java more than 
justifies the framework. I would like to see us replace most if not all of the 
XML with annotations.
-     * [rainerh] -1 on removing the valdation framework. This is one of the 
best, if not the best validation framework I've seen so far.
+     * [rainerh] -1 on removing the validation framework. This is one of the 
best, if not the best validation framework I've seen so far.
    1. Ditch xwork as a separate project, nobody uses it or cares about it
      * [jcarreira] You're kidding, right? We've discussed this already.... 
@@ -243, +244 @@

      * [crazybob] What needs to be done here? We wrote a type converter for 
enums. Is there more to it?
      * [rainerh] +1 as well
      * [tm_jee] +1 
+     * [plightbo] +1 - we'll likely need to make new releases of OGNL to do 
this. That means it would be a good opportunity to also fix up other problems 
(Gabe probably knows the most about the limitations/problems here).
    1. Clean up documentation. Focus on quality not quantity.
      * [jcarreira] Didn't you read the book? ;-)
      * [tm_jee] +1 What do you think about the reference docs, we put a lot of 
effort in it. Of course there's still lots of room for improvement. We'll 
continue to do our best. :-)
+     * [plightbo] The reference docs are great, but we failed terribly on the 
tutorials and non-reference docs. 
    1. Do we want to keep `ModelDriven`?
      * [Gabe] Absolutely YES! `ModelDriven` allows us to build forms and 
populate the model without a prefix. It's simple. It also allows for security 
interceptors to zero in on one method for `ModelDriven` actions to determine 
what to secure. 
+     * [plightbo] I think we should give some serious thought to this. Look 
around the internal implementation of WebWork/XWork as well as the number of 
questions that come up on the mailing lists. It's a very confusing thing, 
especially when interacting with setting or getting values of form fields.
    1. Do we want `ValidationAware` (or its equivalent) to take message keys or 
actual messages. It takes the actual messages in WW2. `ActionMessages` in 
Struts takes keys. I'm a fan of keys; we would no longer need `TextProvider`. 
Pat suggested we take keys, and in the event that we don't find a message for 
the given key, pass the key along as the message. I think I'd rather fail fast.
      * [mrdon] Keys are fine, as long as you can do parameter replacement 
easily enough later.  Not all apps need L18N, so I'm kinda against the fail 
fast.  Perhaps in devMode, we add a clear warning?
    1. Craig McC mentioned that we might want to use this in a portlet. Does 
this mean I should completely abstract us from 
      * [mrdon] +1, at least in some form.  This was the goal of the generic 
ActionContext, I believe.  Cocoon has been struggling with the same issue, and 
they are leaning towards implementing the HttpServletRequest, et al with a 
portlet impl to solve this problem.  They used to have this generic 
"Environment" api, but they are in the process of giving that up, I believe, 
favoring this servlet api approach.  I wonder if we shouldn't find out more 
about their results and adopt them.
+     * [plightbo] +1. we should keep this in mind when designing the API.
    1. Add "action" and "method" attributes to the submit button tag so users 
don't have to know about the "action:Name" and "method:name" conventions.
+     * [plightbo] We already do this :)
  == Patrick's issues ==
@@ -282, +288 @@

      * [jcarreira] I think we should have some pre-defined ones for standard 
things: view vs. CRUD vs. "action" -> do somthing that's not CRUD. We should 
then use annotations to make it where you can declaratively associate a 
particular action method with a "stereotype" which is mapped to an interceptor 
stack, etc.
      * [crazybob] "C[R]UD" isn't a good name because "view" == "[R]etrieve". 
Let's call it "update" for the moment. What will the difference be between 
"update" and "action"? 
+     * [plightbo] I really don't think having a "update" and "action" stack is 
a good idea. Let's make a single stack and then have the stack behave 
differently depending on the context in which the action was executed. There 
are several options (GET vs POST, method names, annotations, etc).
  == Gabe's Issues ==
    1. Simpler XML Configuration of actions. Ted mentioned adding wildcard 
support for action names something like name="view*" where the wildcard can 
then be used elsewhere as a variable. Another idea is allowing one action 
configuration to extend another or having default action configuration that 
other action configurations can use.
-   1. Add the possibility of setting to the OgnlValueStack rather than pushing 
so we can get rid of using the context for user app variables and reserve it 
for framework variables. The user then wouldn't need to know anything about the 
context, just the stack. Also, this allows us to get rid of the '#' sign 
completely in expressions. Similarly remove the push tag to simplify the API. 
More detail here: [] and here: 
+   1. Add the possibility of setting to the OgnlValueStack rather than pushing 
so we can get rid of using the context for user app variables and reserve it 
for framework variables. The user then wouldn't need to know anything about the 
context, just the stack. Also, this allows us to get rid of the '#' sign 
completely in expressions. Similarly remove the push tag to simplify the API. 
More detail here: [] and here: 
+     * [plightbo] I still don't know about this. My biggest concern is being 
able to do a fairly standard pattern of pushing an object on the stack (User) 
and then including a common snippet such as user-details.jspf. Without the 
stack and the ability to push, we might loose the loose coupling the value 
stack provides.
    1. Hope I know what I'm talking about with this one: Provide a way that 
request parameters can be used as a form element value in case of error. If you 
submit a form with a text field that requires a numeric value but you enter a 
non numeric value and errors are returned, you lose the value entered when the 
type conversion happens. 
+     * [plightbo] We support this already (the value stack has an "overrides" 
map which gets set when type conversion errors occur). If this isn't the case, 
it's simply a bug :)
    1. Remove OGNL Map attributes (and List/Set to be consistent) such as size, 
isEmpty, iterator. These can be accessed by size(), empty, and iterator() 
respectively and the way it works now you can never have myMap['size'] because 
it will just get the size not the value of the map with key 'size'.
+     * [plightbo] +1, all I'd ask is that we try to make it feel as much like 
JSTL as possible. Not sure what that means, but just something to keep in mind 
    1. Allow indexable parameters similar to how it works in struts (with 
indexed="true") but being able to take advantage of XWork's advanced type 
conversion features. See: []. 
This is unfortunately not trivial at all. 
    1. Get rid of the use of static constant variables that are used in the key 
in the stack and accessed all over the place like 
XWorkNullHandler.CREATE_NULL_OBJECTS etc. I've started to do that with the 
OgnlContextState class, but it's not complete and I'm not sure if that's the 
best way to do it.
    1. Specify and simplify Interceptor scope. Currently, you have an 
Interceptor that calls actionInvocation.invoke() and then returns a different 
result than actionInvocation.invoke() returns, the actionInvocation.invoke() 
result will be used anyway. This is confusing and muddies the meaning of the 
Interceptor API, which IMHO should simply wrap the action not the action all 
the way through to the end of the result. The reason it's set up the way it is, 
as I understand it, is so that Interceptors can clean up resources like 
connections after the result is returned. However, I wonder if we can implement 
a request based object that can take care of such resources and destroy them at 
the end of the request rather than using Interceptors in this way.
@@ -302, +312 @@

    1. How does WW help the user with state management?  As far as I can tell, 
if I want to keep a 'user' object around I have to interact with the map 
returned by ActionContext.getSession().  Actions should in general have a 
type-safe and transparent way to do this, e.g. by subclassing ActionContext and 
providing getUser()/setUser() which store the user in session.  This allows for 
re-working of the storage strategy (e.g. write a cookie and lookup the user 
each time) without affecting actions.
      * [crazybob] I prefer an injection-based approach. You can use the 
`ScopeInterceptor` to pull an object off the session and pass it to your 
action. Or you can use Spring to inject session-scoped objects into your action 
(though I would avoid Spring personally).
      * [jcarreira] I can attest that the Spring scoped components work well 
with WebWork. It's what we use at work for maintaining session or request state.
+     * [plightbo] Let's not dismiss Tim's comments too quickly. While we might 
not implement a solution exactly like he suggests, his point is valid that 
handling state management in WebWork has always been a very week area. The 
ScopeInterceptor isn't a great option either, especially considering one of my 
other issues specifically asks that we avoid having to create custom 
interceptor stacks for various actions.
    1. In tandem with the previous point, since Actions are already stateful, 
it'd be nice to have the ActionContext injected into the Action.  One benefit 
is when a newbie developer needs it, the linkage is obvious (they don't have to 
a priori know about the ActionContext, they're being handed in it on a 
platter). If the developer can subclass ActionContext, it would also encourage 
them to implement a base action which accepts the context inject and leveraging 
the fact that JDK 1.5 allows co-variant returns, also write a getContext() 
method that returns the down-casted type; they wouldn't have to do 
((MyActionContext) ActionContext.getContext()).getUser() for example, just 
      * [frankz] This might well address the issue of !ActionContext being 
!ThreadLocal.  If it was injected, it wouldn't need to be !ThreadLocal to get 
the same basic effect, and maybe more importantly, it wouldn't automatically be 
available to helper classes as it is as a !ThreadLocal.  That would address my 
concern about "inappropriate" usage of !ActionContext.
      * [jcarreira] I think this is a bad idea, in general. Actions should 
specify the exact things they need and have them supplied, not just ask for the 
"world" (the ActionContext is the world the action lives in). 
      * [mrdon] While I agree more specific is generally better, I like the 
idea of the user being able to subclass ActionContext for their particular 
application.  Tapestry has the Visit object (I think that's the name) I've 
always liked.
+     * [plightbo] Tim's suggestion of allowing actions to get the 
ActionContext without referencing the thread local is a good one. This is in 
line with other requests to reduce the number of situations where users have to 
deal with ThreadLocals.
    1. HTML analog tags should stick to HTML attributes. I don't mean they 
shouldn't have more functionality, but the attributes should be identical where 
possible, and they shouldn't do things like render a label and an input.  
Keeping them more like regular HTML tags makes them easier to ramp up on, and 
more non-developer friendly
      * [MJ] I see the following options when it comes to tags. (1) Use plain 
HTML + implicit scoped variables like "actionName", "actionAddress", etc. to 
create dynamic values; this looks pretty compact with JSP 2.0. (2) Use 1:1 
relation between WW tags and HTML tags. (3) Use 1:M relation between WW tags 
and HTML tags, like to create data entry form or a table. (4) Use 
non-HTML-looking tags + more abstract attributes + "media" attribute, thus 
creating something like JSF renderer for different media. Choosing between (1) 
and (2) I prefer the first one.
@@ -349, +361 @@

  }}} If the user doesn't call a result method, we would use an intelligent 
default. You could implement this using an interceptor and an action support 
class. However, I'm with Jason: I've never needed this and I like the 
+     * [plightbo] Bob: your suggestion doesn't seem very "user friendly". I 
think we should really think long and hard about doing this. I'll be the first 
to admit that much of the reason I never thought about doing it in WebWork was 
purely to be "anti Struts" (sorry!). I've grown up a bit since then. The 
downsides I can see to this are: 1) more confusing if we offer both options, 2) 
views are tightly coupled to the action with no easy way to override, 3) 
support for both could cause problems with overriding actions, and 4) tool 
support, such as graphing out page flows, would be difficult or impossible for 
actions that use this technique. However, there are good positives for this, as 
already mentioned. Let's give this some real consideration.
  == Nice to haves ==

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