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The following page has been changed by Phil:

      * [jcarreira] If we agree that supporting file uploads out of the box is 
important, then this is just a nice feature for that support to let the user 
know how much of the file has been uploaded, etc.
    1. Better error checking for UI tags. The freemarker error message, while 
great for freemarker users, look like gibberish. People should not be forced to 
learn freemarker. So in such cases, the tags themselves should check the 
parameters and report back sane messages, even if that check is duplicated in 
the templates
-      [phil] This is, depending on what you want, fairly easy to really 
complicated. You can easily register a new FreemarkerExceptionHandler in 
components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine to limit the stacktraces. But it 
will still be gibberish if you don't know what happens (eg. " Error on line 43, 
column 13 in template/simple/select.ftl - 
stack.findString(parameters.listValue) is undefined. It cannot be assigned to 
itemValue]" -> that hardly tells you you specified a non-existant method for 
listValue in your select box). Solution: we should do more checking in the 
components instead before rendering.
+     * [phil] This is, depending on what you want, fairly easy to really 
complicated. You can easily register a new FreemarkerExceptionHandler in 
components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine to limit the stacktraces. But it 
will still be gibberish if you don't know what happens (eg. " Error on line 43, 
column 13 in template/simple/select.ftl - 
stack.findString(parameters.listValue) is undefined. It cannot be assigned to 
itemValue]" -> that hardly tells you you specified a non-existant method for 
listValue in your select box). Solution: we should do more checking in the 
components instead before rendering.
    1. Defaults should be JSP all the way. People know it and like it, despite 
all the limitations. Allow for other view technologies, but don't force people 
to learn stuff they don't want to. Learning ww is enough of a pain as it is
      * [tm_jee] Hmm... are you suggesting that we should support JSP template 
as well? WebWork currently does support JSP view, just theat there's no 
theme/templates written in JSP due to JSP not being able to be packaged and 
displayed from a jar file in the classpath.
@@ -238, +238 @@

      * [jcarreira] You're kidding, right? We've discussed this already.... 
      * [tmjee] -1 If possible, I'd like to keep xwork, not that I used it 
apart from WebWork but, I don't know, it's just good to have it there.
      * [rainerh] -1 as well
+     * [phil] -1
    1. Add java5 support to ognl. It's silly that it still doesn't handle enums 
(that I know of).
      * [jcarreira] +1 this is biting us right now
      * [crazybob] What needs to be done here? We wrote a type converter for 
enums. Is there more to it?
      * [rainerh] +1 as well
      * [tm_jee] +1 
+     * [phil] +1
      * [plightbo] +1 - we'll likely need to make new releases of OGNL to do 
this. That means it would be a good opportunity to also fix up other problems 
(Gabe probably knows the most about the limitations/problems here).
    1. Clean up documentation. Focus on quality not quantity.
@@ -274, +276 @@

      * [jcarreira] Shouldn't annotations be the default, and XML be the 
      * [crazybob] I think that's what he means. Speaking of annotations, I've 
yet to see a method for representing result mappings using annotations that I 
actually like (due to limitations of annotations). If we can't come up with 
something decent, I'd just assume stick with XML; we shouldn't use annotations 
for the sake of using annotations. I personally don't find the xwork.xml as 
annoying as XML in other places. If we do simple things like defaulting the 
action name to the simple name of the action class, it will be even more 
pleasant. I definitely think we should use annotations for things like 
      * [frankz] I for one have zero problem with annotations being an option, 
even being the default, but do keep in mind that not everyone sees annotations 
as really being that great of an idea.  I acknowledge it might the minority 
view now, but I for one see it as configuration information scattered 
throughout the code base, rather than in one known location (read: XML config 
file), so speaking for myself, I am not entirely sold on annotations being 
superior to XML config files (assuming the config files aren't overly complex 
that is!)
+     * [phil] I'd like to be able to reconfigure my application without the 
need for recompilation. If annotations support that (or if we're using an 
xdoclet/generator approach), then I'm all for it. Otherwise, keep the xwork.xml 
file - it's clean, simple and to the point.
    1. Fail fast with detailed error messages, ideally ones that show you what 
you did wrong and what you should to.
       * [Gabe] +1 I've created an XWork issue related: 

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