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The following page has been changed by WendySmoak:

  == Integration Testing ==
- The Maven 2 
build lifecycle] includes a phase for integration testing.  Currently, a module 
may contain only unit tests ''or'' integration tests, but not both.  See the 
testing strategies] page for discussion and proposals.
+ The Maven 2 
build lifecycle] includes a phase for integration testing.  See the 
testing strategies] page for discussion and proposals.
  Integration tests for Struts Action are located under the '''integration''' 
module.  Integration tests will only be run if the ''perform-itest'' profile is 
- === Cactus Tests ===
- The Cactus tests for Struts Taglib are located in the 
action/integration/taglib-it module.  To run the tests, you must provide a 
value for the 'cargo.tomcat5x.home' System property, for example:
- {{{ 
-    ~/svn/struts/current/action/integration/taglib-it
-    $ mvn -P perform-itest -Dcargo.tomcat5x.home=c:/java/apache-tomcat-5.5.16 
- }}}
- (This will run the default '''install''' goal which includes the 
'''integration-test''' phase.)
- See the Suggested Settings section below for information on configuring the 
'cargo.tomcat5x.home' System property in your settings.xml file, so that you 
don't have to specify it on the command line.
- There is no Cactus plugin for Maven 2, so 
-  * The Struts Taglib testing webapp is manually configured for Cactus with 
extra information in web.xml, and a jspRedirector.jsp file in the root 
-  * Executions of the Surefire, Compiler, War, and Cargo plugins are bound to 
various lifecycle phases
- '''NOTE:''' If the tests fail, Cargo will not be able to stop the container.
  === Apps ===
@@ -92, +74 @@

  Then visit http://localhost:8080/webappname in your browser.  This requires 
that the cargo.tomcat5x.home system property is set, usually either on the 
command line (-Dcargo.tomcat5x.home=...) or in ~/.m2/settings.xml.  See the 
Suggested Settings section, below.
+ === Cactus Tests ===
+ The Cactus tests for Struts Taglib are not working and have been moved to the 
sandbox/apps-test/taglib-it module.
  == Suggested Settings ==
@@ -154, +139 @@

  To avoid repeated password prompts, configure the apache-maven-snapshots 
<server> in ~/.m2/settings.xml.
+ == Releases ==
+  * StrutsMavenRelease
  == References ==
   * [ Better Builds With Maven] - 
free book from Mergere (requires registration)
   * [ This article] 
provides a good introduction to Maven 2 and lists some other useful goals.
-  * StrutsMavenRelease
  == TODO ==
   * Consolidate some of the example apps to reduce the size of the 
distribution (?Suggested by Don?)
   * Create a custom deployment plugin to handle promoting our test builds from to
-  * Figure out how to run the Cactus tests in 'integration/el-it' against the 
strutsel-exercise-taglib webapp which is in the 'apps' module.
+  * Figure out how to run the Cactus tests in 'sandbox/apps-test/el-it' 
against the strutsel-exercise-taglib webapp which is in the 'apps' module.
   * Fix the Cactus tests for Struts Taglib
   * Revisit the war plugin configuration for including the source code in the 
example webapps under WEB-INF/src.  This is currently being done with an 
execution of the antrun plugin in apps/pom.xml.  Martin mentions that a 
<webResources> element is present in the war plugin source, but it does not 
appear to be available in the latest released version.

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