1. Check out that project directly from svn

 > svn co 
 > http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/sandbox/trunk/struts2-convention-plugin/
 > cd struts2-convention-plugin

2. Build with Maven
> mvn clean install

3. Open struts2-convention-plugin/pom.xml and note the version
(2.1.1-SNAPSHOT as inherited by it's parent)

At this point, any project that YOU build on YOUR machine with Maven
that depends on struts2-convention-plugin with the version noted
above, will use YOUR local copy that was put into your
~/.m2/repository/org/apache/struts/struts2-convention-plugin/ when you
did step #2.

Does that explain it?

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Eric D Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm very interested in starting to test the 2.1 code base and the convention
>  plugin work.
>  I've done a SVN checkout of the strut2 and xwork code base.  I've
>  built/installed both with maven into my local maven repository.  The new
>  convention plugin doesn't show up in the list of things build with the
>  extras/plugins profiles.  I do see one reference back to it as being in the
>  "sandbox".  What do I need to do to get the code to play with it from there?
>  What do I need to do to ensure my test projects are grabbing my local 
> version of
>  the struts2 build artifacts rather than the central repository ones?  I'm not
>  100% sure I understand how Maven decides which jars to use.
>  Thanks
>  Eric
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James Mitchell

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