I have tested this and looks OK.

.....I have an action that implements HttpParametersAware so I can use the
properties from the request eg:

    public void setParameters(HttpParameters parameters) {
        this.params = parameters.toMap();
    private String getParameter(String key) {
        String[] p = (String[]) this.params.get(key);
        if (p != null && p.length > 0) {
            return p[0];
        return null;

In my db, I have a properties file with key=site.description, value='
My Site Description.'

On my config form, I have a field with the name of site.description which
is a key and is a string (ie not getSite().getDescription()) eg:

<input id="config_site_description" type="text" value="My Site Description."
 size="35" name="site.description">

When I submit the form com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ValueStack#setValue(..)
tries to evaluate it to the bean.property rather than the string and throws
an exception.  In DEV mode I get messages like:

Error setting expression 'site.description' with value 'My Site Description.

I get a whole load of these as its my main config page, one for every
config value.

I guess there is no way to suppress these messages in dev mode?


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