I have a local modification that I do to speed up my app on how I get screen text ie <s:text name="screen.title" /> via com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.StrutsLocalizedTextProvider.

By default StrutsLocalizedTextProvider will scan the class packages first for the message and then if it cannot find it try ApplicationResources.properties.

I use the ApplicationResources.properties for my screen messages and then scatter the validation stuff/messages in the packages/classes.  I seem to now have alot of packages for my struts classes, so has resulted in a lot of scanning for nothing.

Also, maybe only having one ApplicationResources.properties is/was not good practice, but makes it easy to manage my screen text, rather than duplicating them in many locations.  I think the system does try to do some location caching, but it is still slow in comparison.

It is a minor code change, ie scans ApplicationResources.properties first, then scans the packages.  I could do a PR to check it out. wdyt?

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