Works great for me.  Thanks.

[x] General Availability (GA) B

On 18/04/2024 06:23, Lukasz Lenart wrote:
The Apache Struts 6.4.0 test build is available. With this release the
following issues were addressed:

[WW-5192] - Radio tag not setting enum key values
[WW-5319] - StrutsUtils is not defined in validation.js
[WW-5357] - Struts anchor tag doesn't support "disabled" even though
docs indicate it does
[WW-5365] - Radio tag does not support value objects of type Boolean
when setting the default value
[WW-5373] - CspReportAction JavaDoc wrong
[WW-5382] - Stale configuration persists after configuration reload
[WW-5387] - ApplicationMap.remove does not remove the entry from the
[WW-5392] - Tiles-Plugin unable to load tiles definition XML if the
file names are specified with wild char
[WW-5396] - Javatemplates s:file shows server/file location
[WW-5403] - Struts 2.5 to 6.x migration issues caused by removal of
deprecated code within a minor release

New Feature
[WW-5402] - Auto loading the Tiles definition files from the classpath
dependent JAR

[WW-5225] - add accessor to the original filename into
JakartaMultiPartRequest & MultiPartRequestWrapper
[WW-5328] - Removes deprecated methods from SecurityMemberAccess &
[WW-5333] - Refactor AttributeMap
[WW-5338] - Remove deprecated OgnlTool
[WW-5339] - Mitigate against custom class ASTMap node construction
[WW-5340] - Introduce optional AST node exclusion list
[WW-5341] - Ensure exclusion list applies to objects from all ClassLoaders
[WW-5342] - Block classes in default package
[WW-5343] - Make SecurityMemberAccess extensible and a prototype bean
[WW-5346] - CDI Plugin: Replace deprecated BeanManager::createInjectionTarget
[WW-5348] - Allow overriding of logging behaviour in
[WW-5349] - Remove core dependency on ognl.ASTVarRef
[WW-5350] - Implement optional strict class/package allowlist for OGNL
[WW-5352] - Implement annotation mechanism for injectable fields via parameters
[WW-5354] - Add actionErrors, actionMessages, fieldErrors to parameter
excluded patterns
[WW-5355] - Integrate and use WTLFU cache by default
[WW-5358] - Expand exclusion list
[WW-5359] - Improved the StrutsUrlDecoder so that charset retrieval is
performed only once
[WW-5360] - Struts 2 and JDK 17 numbers of iterator tag when using
different locale
[WW-5362] - Remove type attribute out of <s:script/> tag
[WW-5363] - Look up Stack last in Velocity context
[WW-5364] - Automatically populate OGNL allowlist
[WW-5369] - Re-define a minimal library set for Struts 6.x
[WW-5370] - Make HttpParameters case-insensitive
[WW-5371] - Use action based callback to transfer information about
uploaded files
[WW-5374] - CspInterceptor reportUri with context
[WW-5377] - trouble with Struts tags nested within <s:script> one
[WW-5378] - Add option to not fallback to context lookup when finding
value in OgnlValueStack
[WW-5379] - Implement alternative mechanism for Velocity directives to
obtain stack
[WW-5381] - Introduce extension points for CompoundRootAccessor and
[WW-5383] - Exclude JAR files by default when scanning for actions on JDK9+
[WW-5391] - Add interface for VelocityManager extension point
[WW-5401] - Adds more logging statements around validating and
accepting MultiPartRequest

[WW-5394] - Use request encoding in rest plugin

[WW-5344] - Un-deprecate the Sitemesh plugin and upgrade Sitemesh to ver. 2.5.0
[WW-5347] - Upgrade to commons-digester3 version 3.2
[WW-5389] - Upgrade Log4j to version 2.21.1
[WW-5395] - Upgrade commons-logging:commons-logging from 1.2 to 1.3.0
[WW-5397] - Upgrade net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports from 6.20.6 to 6.21.0
[WW-5398] - Upgrade commons-validator:commons-validator from 1.6 to 1.8.0
[WW-5399] - Upgrade org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
[WW-5404] - Bump log4j2.version from 2.21.1 to 2.23.1

Release notes:

Github release


Maven 2 staging repository:

Once you have had a chance to review the test build, please respond
with a vote on its quality:

[ ] Leave at test build
[ ] Alpha
[ ] Beta
[ ] General Availability (GA)

Everyone who has tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC
members are considered binding. A vote passes if there are at least
three binding +1s and more +1s than -1s.

The vote will remain open for at least 72 hours, longer upon request.
A vote can be amended at any time to upgrade or downgrade the quality
of the release based on future experience. If an initial vote
designates the build as "Beta", the release will be submitted for
mirroring and announced to the user list. Once released as a public
beta, subsequent quality votes on a build may be held on the user

As always, the act of voting carries certain obligations. A binding
vote not only states an opinion, but means that the voter is agreeing
to help do the work.

Kind regards
+ 48 606 323 122

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